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I don't know which team to join so I take the quiz and I got Maraqua, I haven confirm it yet whether I want to join this team becasue I'm not sure if this quiz is accurate.


Has anyone try the quiz and do you think it is accurate?

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i got virtupets too. and i was like, why??? the questions didn't pertain to the answers at all, so it wasn't helpful.


but i see they joined haunted woods anyway :P

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Join a team because you want to be in it. Don't trust the quiz!!! I love Faerieland but it said I should be in Altador. If I had joined Altador I would have had to play Faerieland at Yooyuball on the first day!!! I joined Faerieland anyway because it has always been my favorite. Join the team that you're most comfortable in, not what the random screwed up quiz tells you!!! :evo:

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I only join Tyrannia because that is where the pteri come from and my first and favorite neopet is a baby pteri.


Also, the quiz is just there so people who can't decide what team to join can have a computer tell them one.

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