Matt Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 Hello there! It's that time once again! It's such a big event it's even a UK Bank Holiday. Viva La ALP! Since we can't lend out pets as of yet, and we're saving money for another BGC, we can't exactly get anything new for you. So here a few more number crunching facts for you to enjoy: In the two years, 11440998NP have been donated using the Donation Shop. The maximum donated by one person was 2 Million NPs, twice, by two people who wish to remain anonymous. The top 10 donators up to now have been: *anonymous**anonymous*markjay73blackknightcaptainspringwolf84antiaircraftpoint_and_clickthe_oneonlyfunluver61mikpet1 [*]In total, 212 people have benefitted from the Avatar Lending Program over the two years. [*]We average about 5 different requests a day. [*]From when we officially opened on 4th August 2006, we have dealt with 3195 lend requests, on average. [*]Which calculates to everyone who's ever borrowed borrowing from us around 15 times on average. [*]Our most popular item lent out is the Faerie Queen Doll, while the most popular group items lent out is those for the "Codestones!" avatar. [*]There has been 619 responses to ALP announcements, averaging 17 comments per news post. [*]The most popular event in recent times was the release of the Bony Grarrl Club being available for lending. [*]Aang is the most inquisitive member of the forums about the ALP. So now you know. Phew. Here's to another year!
julie_kofoed1980 Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 happy birthday ALP *is happy cause she was lent SuAP yesterday* not by the ALP though :D I hopeyou figure out the issues with pet lending in the future :D
m3l3ana Posted May 5, 2008 Posted May 5, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALP!! My first lend is in the process at the moment :) and well it is great to have such a great programme out to help us all!! Keep up to good work Matt and everyone behind the scenes :D
Neggy Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Happy 2nd Birthday ALP!! :) Those are some really interesting facts... Hopes that the pet lending will be available soon~
DOOM Bringer Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Wow, Happy 2nd Birthday ALP! While I haven't borrowed anything as of yet, I do plan to in the future (when I get more collateral). I was also impressed by some of those stats, particularly the one about over 11 MILLION Neopoints being donated in the two years. Viva la ALP!
Ithil Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALP !!!! The statistics are really impressive. :yes: Long life to ALP !!! :jerrypteri:
Parshy Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Cool, i get metioned! Happy birthday guys! (do i really ask that much?)
antiaircraft Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Well it's been another long year for the ALP... Happy Birthday!!! :jerrypteri: Must... earn... more... NP... to... donate!
crxsnochic Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Happy Birthday ALP! I've only used it for one item, but as soon as I can *finally* save up some collateral I'll be sending in some ALP requests for sure!
ho_yt Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 Happy Birthday ALP!! I just used this program to get my Zafara Double Agent avatar and its a really great program. Looking forward to more cooperation with this program again to get the rest of my avatars :D
Awesome_Paul Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 Happy Birthday ALP. (Ya know, being fashionably late is always cool :)) But wow, never knew I was in the top 10.
antiaircraft Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 Yeah, I never though I'd be on that list either - I used to donate a lot, but then I ran out of NP and didn't have the time to earn more. :P It's interesting to see that I donated enough to stay in the top ten...
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