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TDN Exclusive: Unreleased NC Mall Capsule!


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With all the hype about the free NeoCash that Neopets is currently giving out in the NC Mall TDN would like to provide all of our visitors with exclusive information about an upcoming NC Mall item. Ladies and Gentlemen take a look at the Snack Capsule:


We have concluded that this capsule will most probably give out a random food NC Mall item. Do you have your own ideas? Think you know what this capsule's use will be when it is released, why not post a comment, guests do not have to register, just click on comments below and type away.

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Well food seems like the right guess to me - I can't think of anything else it would give out. :P

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Sounds like a capsule for NC Mall food to me. But NC Mall food has always confused me, because I want to know why someone would actually pay real money to feed their neopet, when a free omelette will do the job just as well. Is the food from the NC Mall supposed to do something special?

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Well I guess it should probably do something special... maybe if you feed your pet enough of a food you'll turn your pet into a wearable! :laughingsmiley: [/lamejoke]

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Some of the nc mall food makes your pet delighted just by feeding the food to the pet.

Let say my pet just have been sick and it has taking me forever to get it better, then the pet will be in a miserable mood. I'll then buy some of the nc mall food and my pet is delighted.


Edit wow im a TDN addict now :P

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While that may be handy, it's still not worth real money.


You could do that almost as quickly by just playing with your pet. The site was kinda invented to take care of your pets, so why would anyone pay money for an item to do it for them quicker. It's pointless, especially when there is also the Hotel which will do essentially the same job but for Neopoints instead of real money.

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Lol, not really. It's your money I suppose. I was just saying that it isn't worth the amount of money you pay for it, but if you do buy it, it doesn't necessarily make you lazy.


Not necessarily lazy, just not worth it.

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Well i normally buy 3000 NC cash at a time, that cost like 30 usdollar, and since the usdollar has deflated greatly compared to my contrys currency, i must admit that it aint a big of a deal. Like the amount i pay for one nc mall food item is like 1,5 us dollar. If one calculates that to my currency, one will find that its only worth 1 milk carton in real life.


Edit wow just saw the usdollars value - it has decreased even more - so i guess its not even worth 1 milk carton in denmark anymore b)

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Oh, well I suppose that's not so bad then. When you put it that way, it sounds a lot better :D


But like I said before, it's your money and you can do whatever you want with it, regardless of what I think :P

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Well I generally avoid paying for online stuff when I'm perfectly happy with whatever's available for free. :yes:

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I never browsed the NC mall before getting the free NC points, I was wondering what the food items did, now I know! I don't plan on ever purchasing any NC (not cause I find anything wrong with it, just cause paying for school makes me broke), but I think it would be better if the food items could have random bonus effects on top of just feeding the pet/making it happy Sorta like how the one capsule has a chance of giving you a virtual code (I think the sparkly purple capsule). That way it could reward the people willing to spend real money on keeping a virtual pet happy. Maybe that's what this snack capsule will offer, rather than just a chance at getting an additional food item.

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Guest nellisdoremi
Sounds like a capsule for NC Mall food to me. But NC Mall food has always confused me, because I want to know why someone would actually pay real money to feed their neopet, when a free omelette will do the job just as well. Is the food from the NC Mall supposed to do something special?


o_O o_O Agreed. I know the pie brings your pet up to bloated it helps people with over 3,000 points but if you have less you can just go to the soup fairy. o_O o_O :S

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With all the hype about the free NeoCash that Neopets is currently giving out in the NC Mall TDN would like to provide all of our visitors with exclusive information about an upcoming NC Mall item. Ladies and Gentlemen take a look at the Snack Capsule:


We have concluded that this capsule will most probably give out a random food NC Mall item. Do you have your own ideas? Think you know what this capsule's use will be when it is released, why not post a comment, guests do not have to register, just click on comments below and type away.

Maybe a ice cream dipped with cherry sauce. Or a lopillip with a smilely face

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Guest Sailor Moon

It's probably some of the food items they already have like the smily snacks. What do they do though other than make your pets happy?

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Erm... reduce your pet's hunger level? :P


That's why they're not really useful I guess.

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Hmmm what about magical food that could turn your pet into_________________ (you fill int the blank) That could be random...that could be fun especially if it is a new color or design or pet that you cannot get other wise.

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Yes, it would be cool, but it would be extremely unfair if people who payed for Neocash could get access to a new colour/pet that other Neopians can't get at.

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A Snack Capsule? I wonder, maybe a doll inside? Probably not no type of food item. :P

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