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I can't believe it - first I get TWO trophies without knowing it AND by incredible strokes of luck, and now I got a Caption through to voting!


So please go and look, and if you like my Caption, please vote for me =)


My username is MariaWB, I'm close to the top.


For the lazy, the Caption is: "Bori: I told you that it was a bad idea to try and wake the Turmaculus with pepper!"


You'll get it when you see the picture ;)


Here the link: http://www.neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml


I would love to vote for your caption, if i like it. But with 2 kiddies i hardly got any sleep last night so i was wondering if you could be bothered finding the link? I have no idea how or where to find what your are talking about ;)


Just to say, im not lazy, just got very very sleepy eyes now lol :)


Thanks =) I submitted a few. I've tried for months now, I'm so glad I finally got one in =)


@ Zafia: The link for voting is as follows: http://www.neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml and they you have to search for MariaWB, alternatively it is under contest which can be found at Pet Central and then it is the Caption Contest!


I voted Maria, quite a good one i thought :)


A lot of them are funny, I always read what others have submitted so I can get inspiration for the future - it's so weird the things people come up with, sometimes I just don't see how on earth they got to a line like that! I guess a lot of the users of Neopets have a rather alternatively functioning brain *LoL*


Wee i found it - it was actually quite funny lol. Could just imagine that, if one gets to the turmu when he is in a bad mood lol


I wouldn't blame him for being angry - people wake him up from his nap, sometimes in very rude or mean ways! I mean, kick him, hit him with a stick, pour cold water on him just to name a few *LoL*


If I was woken up like that, I would do more than just throw things :P


Yeah the caption is still in progress until Friday, April 11th (I think), as that is when the winners will be announced. Also you can vote every four hours!!! *watches the clock*


Yeah, I noticed the whole 'once every four hours'-thing too, so I'm voting for myself over and over again :D :nerd:


I think yours is great Maria, I am no good at coming up with captions, but some of the others are quite funny too.

Did you see this one:

Bori: Duck!

Kiko: No, roll!

Faellie: You're both wrong... it's a pie!


XD Brilliant caption! I will throw in my total allocation of votes as I see fit, but several of them will be going to yours! :D


I put my vote in for you too. Quite a good caption! I think I would probably be horrible at coming up with captions... I guess my brain is just not wired for creative thinking! Nice to know that you can vote every 4 hours, I'll keep going back and voting!

I think yours is great Maria, I am no good at coming up with captions, but some of the others are quite funny too.

Did you see this one:

Bori: Duck!

Kiko: No, roll!

Faellie: You're both wrong... it's a pie!


Yeah, that one was really funny, I also thought! I also really liked this one:


Today's Weather: Extremely windy with a 40% chance of pastries.


And I won! Yay! :laughingsmiley: I haven't gotten any prize or trophy yet, though. I hope it'll come on its own.. So I don't have to remind TNT, they're probably late because of all their trouble.


Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me by voting for me =D thank you, thank you, thank you!


There's no need for all the thanks - it was a good caption and it made me laugh, so I threw in some votes for it. :D


I'm sorry, I was going to vote the other day, but it seems that I only just missed the chance to vote. :(


Congrats anyway :D


Well, still no trophy or prize.. I don't care that much about NP or items - I just want my trophy!


I wonder, it says to win all you have to do it get enough votes to have your caption in the archives, and my caption IS in the archives. I guess I have to write TNT.. Crap.

Well, still no trophy or prize.. I don't care that much about NP or items - I just want my trophy!


I wonder, it says to win all you have to do it get enough votes to have your caption in the archives, and my caption IS in the archives. I guess I have to write TNT.. Crap.


I think they are very late with the new caption (too much entries maybe?). That may explain why you don't receive your trophy at the moment. I'm sure you will soon receive it. ^_^

I entered in the new one, and the votes are still not open. I travel to France for holidays tomorrow, and I don't know if my caption will be choosen or not. I will not be able to advertise nor vote for myself! :crying:

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