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Well, as for my Neopets username, I was just having a lot of trouble finding a good name that wasn't already used, so in the end I just punched in the first word that rose to the top of my head ('antiaircraft') and that's how it stuck. :yes:


So basically most of my nicknames turned up randomly. :P

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crxsnochic: My car is a crx that I love and compete with in SOLOII Autocross racing. Sno Chic cause I am completely 100% obsessed with snowboarding, and I'm a girl. so crxsnochic.


I'm very new to snowboarding. We started learning a little late in the season so we can't really go anymore and it sucks! I love it :D

(We = Me and my bf o.o)

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I'm very new to snowboarding. We started learning a little late in the season so we can't really go anymore and it sucks! I love it :D

(We = Me and my bf o.o)


I've traveled all over in the summer just looking for snow to ride! There are little glaciers that can be hiked to in the sierra and rocky mountains in the USA that have snow pretty much all summer. And there's places like Mt hood and Whistler which stay open during a lot of the summer and have snowboard camps. Eventually I would love to be able to live in BC, Canada during the winter, then travel down to the Andes in South America for the summer months, cause it'll be winter and snowing down there at that time! (And maybe go to Hawaii for a bit in the spring and fall to get some sun and surfing in!)


And so this post isn't completely off topic, I have also used snowstar as a forum name, snow for (guess what!) and star cause I had a horse named Star. Since I no longer have a horse, maybe I should start using sierrasnowdozer or something like that. My two dogs are named Sierra and Dozer :) Or Dr. Snow since I'm studying to become a doctor!

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My name is really simple, just the short form of my name and surname...

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The Cookie Dragon is also totally random. All the names I used to go by were taken on a forum I joined nearly two years ago, so I was trying to come up with something, ANYTHING! I ended up surfing the 'net all night and found this schway pic of a dragon. I tried using just Dragon as my id there, but still, no go. So I wondered what a really cool dragon might hoard. Gold bored me, jewels were too common, and I just didn't want to call myself something like "Firebreather". It just wasn't me. Then it hit me. Cookies. Any dragon worth their shiznit would hoard COOKIES! Sugary discs of yummy-nummy goodness... Thus The Cookie Dragon was born.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mines because I like horses and on some web site pintofever (my usual on most sites) was taken. But since I was young, when I though of Paliminofever I liked it. But now I don't really like it but it's the only thing I can usually think of. :cowboy: But I like my horses still. My nicknames , (which nobody here knows I think) is ether Shadow Horse, or Cyan. I think thats it because my real friends don't use them. The one people mostly use is Romeo. Thats the horse at my riding lesson barn I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cowboy:

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I was creating a Neopets account almost 3 years ago (I was...7. o_O) and I was trying to think of a name. I chose intheblue and added the 04 because the last year from 2005 was 2004...and I shortened it to 04.

I dunno how I got the intheblue part in the first place...it's just a guess.

I do have a forum but I'm likely not to post the name...unless you really want to know. ^_^

(I think the main reason why I forgot was possibly because it was long ago compared to today, haha. 7 years old...wow, I was yoooooung! xD)

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We really want to know :)


(seven words)


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Okay...it's Travelstation forums xD

I dunno why I chose that name, I was bored and I decided to make a forum dedicated to traveling and other stuff...it's going off the traveling topic a bit. Say it's a random Talk-about-random-stuff forum(...it's dead now. D:)

The name is irrelevant to what it is now. :(


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Anime is just short for animetriplicate, my username. I never made an intro topic for myself on the old forums, so no one knew my real name (it's Brittney, some people prefer to use it), so people just started calling me Anime and it stuck. And since I use Anime everywhere, when someone calls me Brittney it confuses people sometimes. xD

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Sorry Anime :*


Anyways.. what does animetriplicate stand for?

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There's an explanation in the other thread, but I'll retype it. xD


When I first really started getting into stuff online, I had this random idea about having my own anime site (I didn't know a thing about coding or hosting back then), and the name Animetriplicate came to me out of nowhere. When I deicded to start playing Neopets again, I needed a username and I went with that beacuse I liked the way it sounded. Obviously, I never got my own site (and at this point I don't want one), but the name is here to stay.

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I thought you said at one point you chose animetriplicate because at that time there were three animes you really like and so on... I forgot the rest.

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  • 1 month later...
I thought you said at one point you chose animetriplicate because at that time there were three animes you really like and so on... I forgot the rest.


Chad's Girl is a two-fold reference. It refers to my favorite character in Bleach, but it primarily refers to an original character I have developed in a Bleach fanfic I'm writing. Yes, I gave Chad a girlfriend.

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Rosyfinch13 = my favorite bird + my favorite number


I also use some other names different places. If I'm playing a fps I'm usually "allagor". I'm also "Evil Demon" (gave it to myself when I was 5-6ish and being annoying to my brother and cousin.) One of my favorite nickname thing is "L.D.B." That I got when I was 5 from my brother because I was a (Insert another name for donkey) all the time. It stands for Little Dirty

not that kind though.



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Dae Lærke is the name I use both online and in real life. Dae is short for Danielle (DAniellE), my birth name, while Lærke is Danish for lark and was taken after I began studying the old religion of my ancestors. I'm actually German, not Danish, in descent, but the Norse and Germanic gods were nearly the same, and most of the preserved stories were written by an Icelander, and Iceland was settled by Vikings.


My Neopets username, dae_rodion, is taken from Dae Lærke Rodion, the whole name people know me by and the name I had run my fledgling web design business under (which was cut short due to losing my entire portfolio in a computer explosion. Long story.) Rodion is the first name of the main character in Crime and Punishment. It's Russian, apparently taken from a Russianized name in the Bible, meaning "hero's song."

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Well I'm just beyond terrible at thinking up Usernames - when I first got the internet and needed a Username/email before being fully online, I literally spent about an hour just trying anything and everything (From random "moon-beam" names to character names) but all the names were taken! :grrr: From that day on I vowed never to spend so much time on such a thing again *lol*

So anyhoo, "Sussudio" is a Phil Collins song (My favourite singer) and is one of the very few song titles (by him anyway) that would make a bit of sense as a Username and isn't overly long. One time the name "Sussudio" was taken and since, for some reason, I don't want numbers in my Username, I just added "Lady" in front of it - this tends to be my name everywhere (though I'm not on many boards etc anyway).


Wasn't that interesting? *lol* ^_^

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I used this username on a different forum also so I decided to use the same username on this site to.

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