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Altador Plot-Part..after the Gladiator


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You must go into each of the three shops in Altador with 100x the neopoints to the inflation rate for that shop. Each shop has a different inflation rate, so you have to make sure it is correct for each shop. You should then find it in one of the shops.

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No... as long as you go into each of the shops with the correct amount of Neopoints for that shop it should appear!!! Make sure the neopoints is 100x the amount of the inflation for each shop. Remembering each shop has a different inflation rate!!!

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Additionally, if it doesn't seem to work for you, then change your inflation rate and try a different shop. If that still doesn't work, then clear your cache and do something else for half an hour or so, then try again. :yes:

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^^^^ Did it? I changed my inflation rate for each shop and when I went into the third one it was there o_O

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I guess we should keep in mind that the luck varies for different people then...

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