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*waves* Hi I'm Marianne... I think I have been on TDNForums for a month give or take...


*looks to the table on her left and eyes up the cookies* You should have some, they are really good!

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*clears throut* Why should he not take the cookies Revenge?

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Yeah, why Revenge?


Hey, I'm Tom and welcome to TDN Forums. I humbly advise taking those cookies, I even helped cook some myself. I'd be heartbroken if you didn't eat them :P


But seriously, welcome and enjoy!

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Have a warm and official welcome to the forums firetail! :D And have some warm and deliciously baked cookies as well. :yes:

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Uh, dude, the guy you should really thank for managing the forum is Ian. :yes: He's the owner of TDN and the person we all owe everything to.


But there's nothing wrong with thanking Matt and Eric as well. :P

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Our cookies are 110% food poisoning free! :D Go ahead and take as many as you like!

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Our cookies are 110% food poisoning free! :D Go ahead and take as many as you like!

See, just the fact that you need to point that out, makes me suspicious of teh cookie ;P


Welcome Firetail! Hope you don't die from the cookie, that would be bad >.<

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Hey, it's my job to advertise, what with everybody bad-mouthing our cookies just so that they can get as many as possible for themselves. <_<

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110% food poisoning free means that they'll actually work towards curing food poisoning. :yes:

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Hello I'm Fable, Welcome to The Daily Neopets Forum Firetale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no need to steal the cookies - they're provided continuously and free of charge for all! :D

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