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Misery And Joy

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No worries, I know how you feel. :yes: *Hooks up de-hyperventilation machine* Just calm down and scan in the picture whenever you like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well then, I now (im)patiently await her arrival. :P So I take it you want us to compare this drawing with the newer one?

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  • 2 months later...

Yea well, my paint skills suck. Which hand-drawn do you like better? The original or the most recent?


[Edit] Wah.. Ery has you been partying too much?


Ery... we KNOW you're not God....

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Woah... I totally forgot I had started this thread. I was too caught up in the end-of-8th-grade nostalga.

Alright, lemme go find my lovely little vampiress.


Miss EAJ ;D


^I absoloutely love that picture. :D So cutesy-evil-ish.


EDIT:I got my graphics tablet for about $50. I'm no expert, but I'm not a beginner either and it works for me pretty well. :yes:

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"Swore to drunk she's not God" :laughingsmiley:


I need to write down that quote somewhere... XDDD

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