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Unreleased Faerie Petpets!


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Must... not... look.. at the... pretty... pictures *gasps*


I think that Meowclops looks alright but I don't particularly fancy the rest of them. Faerie isn't my thing at all.

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Ooh, I will definitely be buying that tasu and a faerie petpet paintbrush! ^_^


If they're actually released. Those ones probably will be, though. I just know there's a Faerie Stego image floating around the Neopets servers somewhere. Can't remember what fansite I saw it on, but it's around. I keep hoping they'll release it because the colors of the Faerie Stego match the colors of the Striped Paintbrush, and my Kacheek has a Stego. I don't want to change petpets, but I'd like to paint my Stego something that kinda matches Afrafa, they just don't have any good colors.

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That's true - I kinda like that gleam in the Cobrall's eyes as well... :evil:

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