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Pant Devil?


Im doing the defenders of neopia(sp?) my xweetok is a level 10 and these ar her stats


Health: 9 / 9

Mood: content

Hunger: satiated

Strength: herculean

Defence: bulletproof

Move: lightning

Intelligence: clever


let me know either through this thread or by pm

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I would advise gaining more strength and HP. Then Icy snowball/ Scarab rings.


This guide is incredibly helpful. (A turn based guide (what to use on what turn)





How do i go about doing that? battledome is totally new to me. i have only been getting levels from coltzan.

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If you want more information on how to train your pet, the TDN battlepedia has some articles on it. Just go to this page and scroll down to the 'Training guides' section. :yes:

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