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I suppose I should have introduced myself before I started posting, but hey...


I'm m3l3ana and I live down under in two little islands called New Zealand.




Well there are several active members here who introduced themselves a bit late - it's not really required anyway.


So welcome to the forums! :D You may or may not have heard of our delicious cookies, but either way feel free to take as many as you like from the table on your left. :yes:


^_^ I have heard about the wonderful cookies *starts munching*


Hey m3l3ana!


Welcome to TDN Forums! I live in Australia, so you're sort of like my international neighbor :P

I recommend those cookies as well, they are delicious!


Enjoy your time here :D


Hi Neighbour *takes anohter cookie*


*looks around* Now where did that bottle of ex-lax go, and why is there a bottle of milk in its place? *looks to the cookie table and sees the half empty bottle of ex-lax and a few empty glasses with what appears to be a milky substance in it* Uh oh, I hope there's no one in the restrooms, because this could get ugly....


Welcome to the forums!


Thanks *grabs another cookie*




What exactly are in these?


Ignore what everybody else is saying - they just want all the cookies to themselves. :yes: It's actually a pretty standard cookie mix, homemade of course to give it that great taste. :D

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