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Altador Cup III


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Rooligans.. Hmm..


I find that entertaining just because of the wordplay off of hooligans, but because 'hooligans' in Denmark have always been called roliggans - rolig meaning calm - because our supporters never get into fights.


I must admit, shamefull as it is, that that term can't be used as much nowadays as it could 5-10 years ago.. Just last week there was a big fight between two danish football teams here in Næstved where I live. A group of supporters just planned to fight the others. How stupid is that??

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Something else which made the Rooligans quite popular was their attitude.

Its true thats every team has bad players which ruin the game. But in the last 2 years of AC, if you ventured to the neoboards, you would find insults being thrown from team to team.


The Rooligans though (and there were afew other smaller teams like Virtupets etc) Stayed within their board, rather than making loads of boards insulting their opponent.

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Hmm... I've always appreciated politeness. :yes: And there's a distinct difference between friendly competitive insults and all-out flaming.

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Guest Sloth Von Karma
Something else which made the Rooligans quite popular was their attitude.

Its true thats every team has bad players which ruin the game. But in the last 2 years of AC, if you ventured to the neoboards, you would find insults being thrown from team to team.


The Rooligans though (and there were afew other smaller teams like Virtupets etc) Stayed within their board, rather than making loads of boards insulting their opponent.


Correct, and sad to say, most people were bashing Darigan last year (generally from teams like KI) because of their stereotypes and I couldn't stand it. I, from my own experience, and because I have friends there, assure you most of the DC boards are calm.


As far I as know, the WAM! boards (Maraqua's) were one of the most calm, because them and Roo's were the best ones I can remember (pun-wise, that is).


Overall, I loved last year's tourny, and since I played around 2,420 games, comes to show that I'm addicted to Yooyu. :P

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Wow... and I didn't even play 100, although I got pretty close to that.


I could only manage 61 wins, which was enough for Rank 1. For ACIII I might try a bit harder though. I'd like to get a higher rank and earn some more points, perhaps something like Rank 5 if I have enough time.


Darigan Citadel for the win!

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@arjun: There's nothing wrong with evil. :devil:


Darigan Citadel won last time... it's not actually that likely they'll win again. Oh well, they have my support. :jerrypteri:

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Well they've certainly had some success over the past two years. They have a reasonably large fan base, but a lot of the other teams don't like them. Probably because of the evil stereotype mentioned before.


Doesn't matter to me though, because I'll support them regardless of success or fan base. Go Darigan!

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I like the mention of Roo's and Maraquan's politeness... I'm not much into flaming, I find it pointless and irritating, limits useful communication! Maybe I'll choose between the two of them! How are the rankings done? I'm guessing from Commander Doom's post it means Rank 1 is low and 5 is better. How many ranks are there and is it based off of wins, how many times you play, your teams final score, etc?

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Well I'm hoping they at least use a similar ranking system, i.e. one I can make sense of. :P

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is past the 2 week rule, but it saves having another topic on the AC.


As sated from today in the News.

Please make sure you redeem all of your prize points for the previous two years of Altador Cup. We are going to permanently close the prize shops for those two years on the 23rd. If you haven't used your points by the 23rd you will lose them. Click Here for Altador Cup I and Click Here for Altador Cup II.


I would advise all to recheck both prize shops (see links below) because my rough estimate is that the AC will begin at the end of this month. Which sorta makes sense because it has for the last 2 years (started on June 1st)


Altador Cup I Prize Shop

Altador Cup II Prize Shop


Chances are, after May 23rd these shops will not be open again, so if you do miss out on prizes, there be no-one to blame other than yourself

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Well due to influence from my current guild, I have decided to lend my meager Yooyuball skills to Maraqua this year round. Good luck to all participants! *waits eagerly*

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