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I've clicked and re-clicked all books in the room, but I can't find it. I've looked through the threads in the forumn, but I can't find anything to help me.


These are my coordinates









Which adds up to 402, 978 - if you KEEP the negative signs. Then it adds up to 6, 24 - and then 30 - and then 30,0 right?


Then I read that I should ignore the negatives. THEN it adds up to 468, 978 - then to 18, 24 - then to 42 - and then to 40,2 right?


Well, I've gone over both rooms, both by clicking and checking with TAB. But I haven't foundt the book.


As far as I can see, I've done everything right.


And if I follow this site http://members.verizon.net/~vze2g7jw/dfp/sg.htm


I should NOT ignore the negatives, since it states that my Library Coordinates are 6, 24.


Can anyone point out a mistake? Or suggest something to try?


Edit: I just went through both rooms again, and counted the number of clickable books on each shelf and then went over the room with TAB. I missed no books.


Is there really not anyone with a suggestion?


Edit 2: I went into a random room and started cliking and found the book.


Well congrats on finding the book. :D


And you should only ignore the negative signs when adding up the digits. When adding up the coordinates, you keep the negative signs.


So your X column adds up to -402. You discard the negative sign at the front, and add up the digits, so your X coordinate should be 4+0+2=6.


Your Y column adds up to -978. Your Y coordinate should be 9+7+8=24.


So if I didn't make any mistakes, then your spellbook room was 6,24. :)

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