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Rainbow Uni Morphing Potion did not work

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Just a quick question...

I gave a rainbow uni morphing potion to someone, but when she used it her uni did not change. She used it on her exisiting uni, it stayed green and the potion was no longer in her inventory :crying: Does anyone know why that would happen? We submitted a trouble report message to TNT but no response (this happened a few months ago). In the end, we just painted the uni with a Starry Paint brush which worked.


Erm... I'm not really sure about this. Maybe morphing potions don't work on pets if they are the same species as the one the potion is supposed to change them to?


Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that is it. I changed my blue Acara to cloud using a Cloud Acara Morphing Potion. The whole thing is just really weird...


Did the window say anything when she used the potion?


What did the window say? There are a lot of options in the item menu and your friend might have clicked the wrong one. Any number of the options could destroy/get rid of the potion without actually using it.


It's unfortunate, but I can't see you getting your potion back :(


What's particularly annoying is if you hit the donate option by accident - it doesn't even prompt you to check if that's what you wanted to do. <_<


I was there when she gave it to her pet and really could have sworn she selected the right option, but maybe you're right. Unfortunately I can't remember what it said afterwards (it happened a couple of months ago). I will check with her to see if she remembers and will update if she does. I just was thinking about getting another potion and wanted to know if maybe they don't work 100% of the time or something before I made the investment.


Thanks everyone for your answers and input, I appreciate it.


Well to my knowledge, morphing potions are supposed to work all the time. :yes:

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