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Bunchbag Bob Trophy


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I beat him after finally deciding to sit and do the work - I combined it with writing a synopsis for history, so all I could do was work on a boring report or a boring Battledome Fight. Worked well, actually =)


But I haven't recieved a Trophy for it! :crying:


Am I supposed to beat him more than once or in a specific way?


Aaaww man, I need a mew keyboard.. It's really starting to miss a lot of letters. But I love my Harry Potter keyboard =( it matches the Harry Potter mouse and mousepad so nicely (yes, I'm a complete Potter-geek :nerd: )

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Well, I beat him late at night danish time - around midnight, but the NST doesn't shift days until 8am my time, so that wasn't it.


And the only Neopets page I had open was the one with the fight, so not the status thing either.


I wrote TNT about it and they've written me back (standard letter) that they'll look into it - but I might have to do it AGAIN *sigh*

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