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I thought that it could be fun to battle after i've tried the step 4 in RoS, n in defenders of neopia ur supposed to battle. But am i missing something or is this the page where the pant devil is supposed to be when ur gonna battle him?


So how do i get him to show up?

He has stolen from me after i started the game, but he is not in the right place.


Awww. I guess i need to wait a while then. Thanks for enlightning me :)

The link i wrote - thats the place i need to go to, after step 4 is over?


You can actually battle the Pant Devil now if you want to. Just go to the 1 player challenge page, select the pet you want to fight with, and paste this in the URL bar:

java script:MakeOnePlayerChallenge(11)


After that just press enter and you should be battling him. :D


Well, I think the reason is so that it's easier to notice the plot battledome challengers... it's shown on a TDN guide, so I assume it's legal. *shrugs*


You're welcome. :D


How did the battle go then?


I won, he had like 22HP, n at the time i had about 62-64HP. I deal about 15-45 damage wo shields, so he was defeated in the first strike.

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