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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ Dunno, I guess I'll be able to tell you after tonight....

< Is supposed to be doing homework, but is blowing it off to talk to cool people. Hasn't found any yet... IS JUST JOKING!! IS LOVING YOU ALL. Is thinking maybe should be stopping talking weird like this.

V If you're in high school, how big is your class?

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^ At the moment it's In the Ayer XD My fav song changes every now and then.


< Is starting to get into rap and country music ^_^ (I have heard both genres before but I wasn't really interested in them all that much :wink:)


v What is your least favourite genre of music? (please don't say alternative rock :O j/k)

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^ Not right now :( It would be fun to learn a foreign language though.


< Likes listening/reading random tidbits of foreign languages :]


v Is the only way for you to learn languages is via random tidbits and "piece them up" so you know more?

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^ I have a class in spanish, but that's how I learn other languages.

< Wishes I could learn german instead.

V ¿Tú cortas tu muñecas? (Lol don't be offended by this please. I just figured out (I think) how to say this, sand I wanted to test it out in the "real" world. XD)

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^ Of course. It's just a plus that it grosses people out. Seriously, I swear.

< *head bang* Rock on.... \m/

V Are you a memeber or going to be a member of any co-curricular activites at your school?

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^ Not the ones I've had. Gatorade tastes better in my opinion. Plus it hydrates me better than most everything else. And heaven knows I need it

< Now I'm thinking about this one comic about electrolytes...

V Do you know what electrolytes are off the top of your head (no looking it up, that's cheating)

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^ Nah.

< ...o_O

v Have you ever felt really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really uncomfortable? (I have just now...)

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/\ Yes, the worst was physically. First time at a friends house, her mum and her were really into this show and didn't like being interrupted during it. I badly needed the loo, didn't want to ask but didn't want to suddenly just get up and wander off somewhere either. I kept thinking it was going to end, then it just went to another scene!! I don't know how I survived ^_^


< Didn't actually need to share that story, but, well....... ^_^


\/ Which fictional character would you most like to marry, and why? :D

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^ Fictional? Edward Cullen. Duh. It doesn't need to be explained.

< Actually I wouldn't mind Jacob wither, but he's too hot temperature wise.

V How would you rather die: burning or freezing (let's say, for the sake of arguement, they're both instant deaths)?

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/\ Buring, I like the heat, people would know I went happily feeling warm ^_^


< Doesn't have a clue who Edward Cullen is :* Off to google then.......


\/ Do you generally find internet search engines good or do they give you 97% of pages that have nothing to do with what you wanted to know?

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^ They're good in some cases

< EDWARD CULLEN FROM TWILIGHT!!!! YOU HAVE TO KNOW HIM!!!! New topic: I'd rather freeze, hate the heat

V Ever heard of Tokio Hotel from someone or somewhere else besides me?

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^ Yeah. I might have heard about Tokio Hotel via watching TV. :P


< Wants to take a bath before the new Total Drama Island episode appears (Which is half an hour from now :D)


v Do you like...Special K? XD (the cereal)

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/\ No, I like my food plain. And I only like rice krispies and cornflakes, cereal-wise :)


< Knows who Edward Cullen is a bit better now ^_^ I don't like any of the real men that have played my fictional "love" though ^_^ (other than my sig. love, Bishop, Lance Henriksen as Bishop was fine. I have two fictional loves then i guess.......Gosh I'm greedy ^_^)


\/ Do you have any weird habits like, not wanting different foods on your plate to touch and the like?

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^ Yus. I'm 10 and still picky about that...one of my weird habits is also getting all fangirly at random moments. XD


< There are 10 sketches on my wall right now :O


v How many bottles of water are in your room right now?

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