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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ Depends what day of the week it is and umm... with my sleeping habits lately it wouldn't surprise me,

< I just made myself a cup of tea :yes:

v Chocolate or Strawberry Icecream?

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^ Purple People Eater

< Huh?

v Have you ever been to Holland?

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^ I am ok..

< Holland-ey?

v Have you ever climbed a tree?

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^ That is not a question and if you read the rules you are suppose to ask a question!!!

< Hmm... I am going to have some lunch, not sure what yet though.

v Have you ever sat under a fejoa tree and eaten all the fejoa's?

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^ Summer... cause hen I look brown hehe

< @ Revenge... Nope it states in the rules questions :P

v Are you hungry?

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^ Not sure, haven't really looked at many of you posts

< There was a car accident just before I left work today, I saw it with my own eyes.

v Do you like Big Red gum?

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^ I refuse to get into a debate with you about why the sky is blue and the grass is green etc... I know I will loose... and anyway that wasn't a question!!!! *mutters* people should really read the rules :P

< Big Red gum, it is chewing gum you can buy in the US (and other places I am sure) it comes in strips and sort of taste like cinnamon

v Are you suppose to be doing something, other than being on the TDN Forums?

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^ YES!!!!!!!!!

< *cough* I mean NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shiftyeyes_anim:

v Do you like the shifty eyes emoticon?

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^ I am too old to celebrate Haloween :(

< I should really start doing some work :yes:

v What is your all time favourite movie?

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^ Grease

< I have finished all my work for the day... That means five hours of nothing to do :(

v Who is your favourite actor?

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^ Don't have one.

< I do like that guy that did Napoleon Dynamite

v Train A travels at 610 km/hr. Train B travels at 470 km/hr. If Train A and B depart from the same station in opposite directions, how long will it take you to give a rat's eye about it?

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^ I hate this question it seems pointless to me as if you were stranded on a deserted island you wouldn't have anything but what you had you :yes: But just for fun I will take my a towel, spare undies and some chocolate hehe... I am going to survive ages with that stuff hehe

< I'm hungry but I don't know what to have for lunch

v What should I have for lunch?

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^ Why, whatever's available for lunch of course! :P

< I'm not really picky about food.

v Favourite style of cuisine?

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