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The ^<v Game!!!

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^ "White and Nerdy"

< It's the only one I've heard, but it's hilarious! :D

v Ever play The Sims before?

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^ YEah.

< It's ok.

v What do you think of the HW plot so far?


^ I wonder what will happen...I like it.

< Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

v Are you watching Who's Line Is It Anyway? right now?


^Um... The Elmo song?

<Oh my, I havn't been on in a VEEERRRYYY long time. X.x

VLongest time gone without posting on a forum?


^ I've never been in a forum before this .. so .. about 16 years of my life ! Whole .. hehe

< I loved the Movie The Devil wears Prada.

v Did you see ?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Chili

<Congradulations on getting staff TBC!

\/ How many neopoints are in your bank?


^ Exactly 1,602,491 NP

< I have a collection of "cute" foods.

v Do you have a collection ? If yes, of what ?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Real life: rocks and minerals / Neopets life: Tombola prizes

< I am looking for some Malachite.

\/ Do you have any Malachite?


^ ...no.

< Thought he'd pop in here. Seeing how you guys are.

v Do you have a collection of anything?


^ YEah.

< Lots of things, from cards to stuffed animals.

v Ever done something really werid and had no idea why?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Yeah, I tried to get on content staff. j/k

< But honestly I don't want to be on content staff. (I'm not a good writer.) Maybe a few freelance articles but I ain't devoting myself to writing an article everyday.

\/ What is your favorite TDN article?


^ The three wheels- I finally understand!


V Ever been to Atlanta, Georgia?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Nope, can't say that I have.

< What is COMMA suposed to mean?

\/ Ever been to Russia?


^ Haven't been off the frickin continent yet.

< My school's varsity football team stinks. Their record is 3-6. Lost all home games so far.

v Isn't that sad?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Yeah

< My school's Varsity score is about 7-3, but they still suck.

\/ Do you buy your school's yearbook?


^ In my country this isn't exists.

< I will enter in a university next year.

v Are your grades good ?



<I have posted here in awhile....

v Will you enter my pixelkitty giveaway?


^ I don't know what is it .

< I've posted here a few moments ago !

v I like my signature. Do you agree with me ?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ Possiby what?

< The Grudge 2 was awesome!!!!

\/ Have you seen The Gudge 2?


^ Nope.

< Me and 2 of my friends were going to see it yesterday, but one had to go hunting, so we changed it to today, but then the other one had to go to the hospital. Couldn't go Friday night because there was a football game.

v Have you ever planned somthing and have that happen before?

Guest �strophysicist

/\ no

< I'm insane

\/ Have you ever been to Moscow?

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