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The Big Cheese

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^Pacific Giant Salamanders are found along the western coast of North America in south western British Columbia and north western California. In Canada though, there is only one drainage basin that is home to the Pacific Giant Salamander and that is the Chilliwack River Valley. These Salamanders live primarily in small headwater streams that are cool and well oxygenated. They like old forests that have not been affected by logging

<I worte that

v pic of your pet?

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<Think outside the bun!

vAre you?

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^A LOT. (but less than you)

<are you a cactus friend?


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^ Well, in between a horse with 7 heads and a lage purple banana

< tee hee

v type backwards! (ekil siht)<< ya no I never noticed that if you rearrang the letters in "this" you get.... nevermind...

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^ !sdrawkcab epyt annaw t'nod I

< Yes, we relize that. No need to point it out.... And so.. I'm weird, but not fruit weird.

v Are you a large purple banana?

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<I'm a penguin.

v Are you a fan of Sakura

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^should I have a clue?

<I meant Naruto.

vDo you watch tv a lot?

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^ oh yes.

< however, it's amazing how some of the guys i know can watch so much tv in a day but still manage to be sane. at least i think they're sane.

v is your school's american football team doing well so far?

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^You mean things? and no.

<I updated my pixelcatz!

vWhat's your favorite color?

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^ blue!!!!!

< i have to read this book for biology honors and do a big project with it. the book stinks. XP

v have to do anything like that for your classes?

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^No. I'm not as old as you, I think.

<My favorite color is Grey.

vAre you special?

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^ sure.

< depends on which kind of special, though.

v going to watch eragon when it comes in theaters?

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^I loved the book so yes!


v do you live in atlantis?

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^ not that i know of...

< don't wanna go to to school tomorrow

v you?

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