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The ^<v Game!!!

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^ No, but I'm delicious. :P

< I meant smelling not inhaling...

v Write your < and v entries first. How many typos did you make in the process?


^ NONE!!

< I am very tired, and I have a science presentation tomorrow. In front of judges. 0_0

v I just beasted Revenge's challenge. Can you do the same??


^ Oh god heck no o.O

< I fail at games / le sigh

V Please tell me you are average too?


^ No way! Unless you mean at games. In which case, yes. I fail. Those avatars are a wee bit out of my reach for now :[.

< I don't own any gaming things like Playstations so maybe I haven't had enough practice.

v What's the closest electronic thing to you? Besides the computer that is :-P.


^ my watch

< I'm eventually turning it from a wristwatch to a pocketwatch (Don't want to spend money on a 4th wristband thingy for it)

V are you wearing a watch?


^ It was the AGLINUVTEA that made you do it.

< Whatever that means.

v Are Slorgs more evil than Meepits?


^ Twilight. Not so much the movie, which was bad, but more so the unexpected and annoyingly spread out hype surrounding it.

< *punches you in the face*

v ... Did that hurt...?

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