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Ch. 13 Hangup - Any Ideas?

SheRa McGyver

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So I took about a month off from completing this plot and now that i'm ready to finish i can't get access to the necklace. I've gone back to the archivist to make sure that the progress book still shows that i've gotten all the clues up to 12 and it does. I reopened the magic book, gone back up to the observatory, "looked" at the sky, looked at the ceiling, talked to the janitor, talked to the astronomy club, talked (again!) to the archivist & went back to the quarry all to no avail. Any ideas how i might pick up from where i left off?

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I think that the Minitheus is supposed to deny you access to the necklace. You have to go there and try to get at the necklace, only to be stopped by the Minitheus, and then go and do all of the other stuff before coming back to get the necklace. :yes:

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