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Neopet Diesease Question

Miss Red

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I hate to be "that newbie" here on the boards, but I have a question about a disease that my pet luckily contracted from the Quasalan Epillibox *grumble*grumble*grumble*.


She's got Reptillioritus - now she's not a battle pet, and really all my time on Neopets lately has been for solving the darn 3 Mods on the ROS plot. This is actually the first time that any of my pets have been ill (and I've been playing for almost 2 years now).


So on to my question:


After a certain period of time do diseases just "go away"? I honestly don't have the money saved up to spend over 100k on the cure right now, and since I don't fight with her can I just wait a little while and see if it goes away?


Thanks in advance!


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Nope, they do not go away by themselves, but if you visit the Healing Springs, there's a chance that your pet will be cured free of charge! You can try every 30 minutes. ;)



Oh! Thanks a bunch - I didn't even think about that. I'll definitely give that a try.


It'll keep me from going cross-eyed on these 3 mods.



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yeah my pet got the same disease and the cure is about 100,000 if i remember, so shes been running around sick for about a month. it really sucks



Oh! I'm glad mine isn't the only one!


The cure is just too expensive for me to purchase right now. Once I (hopefully) finish the 3 mod messages on the plot then I'll go play games like a mad woman to buy it. *lol*




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Oh! I'm glad mine isn't the only one!


The cure is just too expensive for me to purchase right now. Once I (hopefully) finish the 3 mod messages on the plot then I'll go play games like a mad woman to buy it. *lol*





Don't worry about buying it, hun. I have more than enough points to get it for you. In fact, I'm bidding on it as we speak! I hope you enjoy it once I get it for you.

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To save yourself thousands of Neopoints I suggest just going to the Healing Springs every 30 Minutes eventually your disease will be cured.

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That particular cure is so expensive because the disease it cures can come from the Qasalan Expellibox (which is now a daily). Since a huge number of people are now trying the Qasalan Expellibox every day, there are bound to be a huge number of pets getting Reptillioritus, and therefore there are many, many people looking for the cure. In a free market economy like the one in Neopets, increased demand results in an increased price (all other things being equal).

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