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my first publication


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I'm a scientist, a biologist more precisely, and I do a PhD Thesis in palaeontology. And my first publication is out today in a big scientist journal. It's a paper describing 2 new dinosaur species. So I'm really excited and happy. ^_^


That's all lol

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Congratulations! :D Is there any chance you could say which journal the publication is in? *likes reading science stuff*

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Thank you Jubjubman and AA ^_^


I don't fear Doom corp. because I have a super rabbit of DOOM to kick them off if they try to attack me *nod*


Anyway, if you like science publications, I recommand you the Acta Palaeontologica Polonica papers (:whistle:) if you have interest in palaeontology. It's a great journal and it's free! :yes: (psst the link is here). Some scientists offer also their papers for free on their webpage. ;)

Vertebrate Palaeontology journals can also be found on this site. ;)

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Congrats Ithil, you should be really proud.


You sound smart, lol :P

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Heh, you spelled DOOM wrongly. :P Don't worry it's not like DOOM runs around killing scientists randomly or anything - we pick our targets far more specifically than that.


And thanks for the links!

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@Tom: you make me flush :* Thank you very much ^_^


@AA: you're welcome ^_^

I'm sorry for the mispelling. :worried: And I'm glad to hear that scientists are not a target for DOOM ^_^

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Well, technically speaking, only certain scientists are targets for DOOM, eg. top weapons specialists who declined our employment offers. :evil: Palaeontology is generally an interesting topic though, that's why I like reading stuff on it. :)

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