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Lever of doom


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is the only reason the lever of doom there to take stuff from you and hurt you? if not can someone tell me if it does anything else. thx :S

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The only main purpose is to get the avatar from the lever which you get randomly.

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We didn't install it if that's what you're thinking. We just rerouted the NP flow to our funding reserves (it used to go to Sloth).

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Stealing from Sloth is easy! I'm sure he noticed relatively quickly and sent somebody to check it out. Of course when Sloth found out it was DOOM, he didn't even try. Sloth really doesn't want to mess with DOOM, he'd rather take on all of Neopia(and fail, escape and run away) then even step near one of our bases (and be mercilessly obliterated beyond recognition) :P


Note to self: Attempt to get Lever of DOOM avvie later on (I tried before but gave up after 5k went down the drain)

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Well you don't have to worry - your Neopoints are being donated to DOOM's operations. :D

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Some people would, such as the people who earn 100k a day, or the avatar collectors. It's really the person's choice.


How do you get 100k a day? :eh: The most i can get is 30k. And your right i guess it is ppls opinions if they wanna spen a lot on some stuff

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Its easy to make +50k a day imo. I get at least 40k from the various games, sometimes 5k-30k from scratchcards. I play round table poker as well n depending of my luck i can earn like 100k alone from that game or if im unlucky loose the same amount, depends of how my mood is lol. Bruce slot is also a good source to earn neopoints imo. N buried treasure on krawk island.

I have 41,750 qty in the stockmarket.


I try the lever of doom bout 5 times a day, feels not so bad to loose 500np a day lol.

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