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Weapons of Mass Destruction Conclusion

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Hello everybody!


From January 21st to January 31st, we ran a cool miniplot on OUR SITE (no, not the Return of Sloth plot on Neopets) dubbed "Weapons of Mass Destruction." The winners have been announced and the plot solution has been officially released here. Thanks for playing! The winners will receive beta testing access to our all new feature called NeoAvatars and they have also unlocked the Sloth theme on our Battlepedia.


Thanks again for a great plot! The Battlepedia traffic has exploded!


Ian and the staff b)


First of all, thanks for the great plot! It was very entertaining. And also, congratulations to all of the people who completed it!


Anyway, I was just checking out the Weapons of Mass Destruction Solutions on the Battlepedia and unless I counted wrong, there are only fourteen hints/weapons listed for the first part. Just thought I'd point that out. :)


Yes, the Naralus clue is missing. The clue was "I think Dr. Sloth even stole one of Kass's most powerful weapons."


Ha, the Naralus was actually the only weapon I couldn't find based off the clue; I ended up going through the entire Battlepedia, weapon by weapon. :S


Thank you very much for the plot, once again. It was really funny. ^_^

And thank you for the soluce ^_^ (anyway, it's the first time that I see some of the clues for part 1. o_O I refreshed often, but get everytime the same clues. It was much harder without all the clues, and i find some items just by luck).

Ha, the Naralus was actually the only weapon I couldn't find based off the clue; I ended up going through the entire Battlepedia, weapon by weapon. :S


That is exactly what I did. Just mentioning that is giving me horrible flashbacks of me constantly searching through all the items... and I didn't even finish the plot...


Still it was a great plot, but I admitted defeat (which I don't do often) and just kinda gave up.


Oops, thanks guys! The Naralus clue has been added to the plot solutions.


Well a big congratulations to everybody who finished this miniplot! :thumbsup:

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