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Get A Life


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More and more I see kids (under 18) living on the internet. Some, never even bother going outside to get fresh air or exercise and become obese and have a deficiency of social grace. They live online building relationships when in reality they should be making friends in real life rather than this vacuum. Even here I see kids that have starting dates after myself yet their posts are in the 100's because they have made it their goal to be heard, even if it's gibberish.


Instead of helping 3rd world countries etc., I think we should focus on our youth. If I could tell you the amount of kids that have had their first date on the internet instead of real life, you may or may not be surprised. Maybe it's because kids feel free to type out anything that comes to their minds when in real life they are timid, have no confidence and you can't see the other persons eyes.


All this talk of helping other people outside our reach, why don't we help those that are close? Don't even get me started about the starving people in America, we can't even take care of our own country yet alone a 3rd world. There are babies right here in any city that don't even get food for days.


My point? Just a wish that kids would live it real instead of online. It's alright to come on and hang one hour a day but live the rest of your priceless life with friends that you can smile with, hug, see the whites of their eyes. If you see someone to addicted to messenger, the internet in general try to help them get back to reality. Don't get lost in cyber land, live life to it's fullest, in the Real World. =)

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I hear ya Trisha, although I won't say it's not hypocritical of me to criticize when I'm probably also guilty of "living online". However, I also think that kids would enjoy a much better and fuller childhood playing with peers IN REAL LIFE, and running about outdoors. I'm not really that old at all and I didn't have such easy access to a computer and internet connection when I was around 14. Granted, my parents also discouraged being on the computer lots (which I respect them for now!). I guess with the advent of such a technological age, it's hard to get away, and it's so so easy to be sucked in.


It's tons easier to chat on messenger, but it's really NOT the same at all. The real person-to-person interactions just don't happen over msn. All you see is text. Sure, I have plenty of "online friends" I'd call close, but you always have to be careful in how close you want to consider someone you've never met in person.


Yes I am guilty of spending too much time online, and yes I'll try and get out more...if school would let me. :P

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I do spend a lot of time on the internet (too much to some people), but I don't let that get in the way of my real life commitments. The two main reasons I spend a lot of time online are:


1. I spend most of my time with people way older than me (right now I'm studying alongside people mostly older than 20). If I try to socialize with them, mostly I just get weird looks.

2. My physical disabilities prevent me from getting out and engaging in the sports and stuff that most people I know are into.


Nevertheless, I've had a few real life friends over the years and I do get out and about regularly (i.e. I'm not obese :P ). I also spend more time studying/reading than on my computer.

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As great as real life can be, I find the Internet to be a nice hobby to escape to and an amazing resource.

Many kids do spend a lot of time online but the majority (at least where I'm from) spend more time with friends, family, playing sports, etc. I think it's beneficial to spend some time online every day, to keep yourself in tune with what's going on in the world, exercise your brain through puzzles/reading/etc, have some fun through games, and improve communication through networking sites and messengers.

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Most of the people I knew back in high school spent most of their time with friends. When they were online, they would do their homework and talk to their friends on messenger ("real" friends). Reality is, there isn't that much time to go outside.


1) You have homework and you have to study.

2) If you're involved in sports, you can talk to your friends there. But, still you have to concentrate, go back home and study to keep those grades up.

3) The weekend comes and they're either too tired or they still have to study and do homework for Monday.


So technically, out there in reality, you don't have that much time to socialize. Of course, when summer comes I saw most of the people from my school, outside enjoying their time with friends plus going online afterwards or spending time with family. Another truth is, sometimes you can't spend time with your family so you have to choose between family and friends sometimes.


I believe it's unsafe for kids to go on chat rooms and try to find random friends. Some people are bullied at their school and they cannot get help and so, they have to reach out to people who will help them.


As for me, I spent most of my time online because, I had a lot of work to do. But, I would give time for my family and chat with friends online. My sister does the same, but she is also very active in school and after school. Now, I'm 20 and I HAVE to be at the computer all the time because, my career requires it. So, it's not because I have no life. I think each case is difference and we cannot judge why those people choose to come here. Life in reality isn't easy and sometimes is scary for some people. There are dangers online and offline, so your best defence is to know where to go and to make sure your parents know where you are posting and who you are chatting with. The online world can be useful and safe if you know how to take care of yourself. Same goes for the "real" world.


As for not helping 3rd world countries. Well, that's why parents are here for! They're supposed to help their own kids. Even if the government spent millions (which it already does) providing programs. They will be no use if the parents won't enforce it. 3rd World countries deserve the same treatment because, they're the future of our planet. If people in the country are not doing anything to change, then let's help those who want to change and who want opportunities.

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You certainly have some points there, which I agree wholeheartedly with.


By the way, shouldn't this be a debate and discussion topic?

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Great responses from all of you! And Evil Guy I just thought this was random chit chat I didn't want a debate or to make anyone feel bad. We all know someone who is to addicted to the internet (I know many) and I was posting my wishes that these kids need to form social bonds outside. I know several guys right now that run to the computer when they get home from school to talk to their online friends because they feel the people online are more real than the kids they are in school with. This obviously isn't the case with all of you who responded. :) I don't think anyone really addicted to the computer is going to respond to this anyway.


I didn't grow up with computers we hung outside with friends and made our own fun. Sleep overs, T.V. and popcorn lol now believe it or not that was fun. I have seen so many of my friends hook up etc. only to find out that the person they have been talking to for a year is not who they said they were. I guess this is the parents job to find out what their child is doing on the computer.


I agree we need to help our 3rd world countries but have you ever been in the Bronx? Streets of San Francisco? Any town has it's squalid part of a city. So many people lining up at noon homeless, waiting to get a bed for the night and a free meal. There is no place like starting from home. :)



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I did grow up with computers, and over time my computer became a constant, reliable assistant. I do build up friendships online, but I keep them separate from real life (unless of course it's somebody I know in real life who I'm keeping in touch with). I am not addicted to the computer, I use it mainly out of necessity (and quite proficiently, if I do say so myself :P ).

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Well, I also grew up with computers. I got internet when I was like 13? I barely remember, but my parents would only allow me to go online 1 hour a day. Then as I grew older, I got more time and more "freedom", until I was 17. At 17, the computer was transfered to my room, but I still couldn't get online too much because of school. However, during summer I went out during the day and got online during the night to play Neopets LOL XD and I was very addicted to the boards for a while. Once I turned 18 I was very active online, until now. I have to work on the PC all day long so coming on TDN or visiting other websites are just part of my break. So back when I first got the internet, my parents were like a radar. So now that I'm an adult, it's up to me now to take care of myself.

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If I could tell you the amount of kids that have had their first date on the internet instead of real life


Do u mean finding a person through dating sites? If u do, then i cant see a problem in that. Its not everyone that finds it easy to find a person to date irl. Some finds one through a dating site to go out with. Like me for example ;) Been with my man in almost 4 years now. N we have 2 wonderful girls. So just bc one finds a date online its not neccercarily doomed :P

I build relationsships much better on the internet than irl. Its just easier for me n not so frighting tbh.

I got my first pc when i was 11 y. Made my life so much better.


I think its equally importent not to forget that we all are humans whether one are from africa, usa, uk etc. One gotta help as much as one can regardless of ones origin imho. I think its so sad that many have forgotten that fact. So many only think of themselfes n living their own lives.


Oh n btw, english is not my native language, so i cant promise i have noticed all my misspellings n typos ;)

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That's fine - your language is still pretty clear and understandable, I've seen worse... :S


On the subject of online dating... I don't want to know. :P Relationships are not my thing.

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