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o_O I sometimes see dead things, but never people. Mostly I just see pets that I was very close too. Also sometimes when I dream I have visions that always come true. ALWAYS- even bad ones. :( My mom says I'm psychic and every morning she asks me what I dream about. *special* ^_^

Sometimes it's scary, because I can never tell what's a dream and what's a vision..... I usually sleep with my big fat cat next to me so I don't get dreams. (Don't ask)

I would totally flip if anything like that happened to me.

temporary paraylsis, dream paraylsis... psychic paraylsis.. its called many things.... when REM is involved it is to keep you from sleep waking and such....


However I have experianced it before quite often. I will share, mind you this is deeply personal and freaky to say the least.


When I was with my ex-husband we lived in a haunted house. I say this with all certainy. I had ghost busters out and a psychic out, she ran out the door screaming in fear and refused to come back in and get her stuff. My husband owned the house prior to my moving in. He was not a man of... openmindedness. I was seeing things, hearing things... feeling things, missing things. I have some great video.


One night I was in bed alone. My husband worked 2pm to 10pm and often would not arrive home until after 1am. This night was not the first night it happened but it was life changing because this night is the night I started to belive.....


The old house was built in the early 1900's sometime between 1903 and 1910. The floor plan had changed many times over the years and at the time you could literally stand at the front door and look down the length of the house to the back bedroom if the doors were all open. So when I was in bed I could see the front door. This was planned since I had some previous experiances and lived in constant fear of what was attacking me. There I was in bed alone.... I woke on my side, I could hear my husband in the living room and see the flashing of the TV, he was playing video games. I could hear him eating chips. I coud not move. I could only move my eyes. I felt a great weight pressing me in to the bed not a uniformed weight mind you just at my head, shoulders, hips, knees and feet. The greatest weight was at my shoulder. As I was laying there coming to my senses I realised 2 things. First I could not breath. Second.. I could hear a whispering in my ear. It was saying the most vile things I have ever heard. Nicely put it was telling me I was worthless, fat, ugly, and needed to die for my sins as a woman. Add a bunch of @#$%^&*&^%$. I could feel the breath at my cheek, my hair was tickling me as "IT" spoke. My marriage was not so good and at first I thought it was my husband. But I couldnt figure out how he could hold me down and my not see him as I was facing the edge of the bed... also I could HEAR him in the living room.

I started to fight against the weight as I was not breathing and that was more of a priority then knowing WHO was doing the holding and talking.

I was pushing as hard as I could up against the weight. When I decided to scream for help from my husband in the living room. I couldnt open my mouth I had no control. I was fighting harder and could feel my jaw start to move in slow motion, I could see my husband walking towards me, pass by me and go into the bathroom. I saw the light come on, I heard him do his thing.... my eyes were buldging my head was pounding I needed air and soon I knew I was dying. I WAS DYING of this I am sure. My husband came out from the bathroom and stood next to the bed, he was looking at me funny... I was moving my mouth trying to scream.


He blew his nose....

It was gone.


He told me my entire body came up off the bed an inch or two. I was screaming and sucking in air as fast as I could. He was not reacting at all just looking at me. When I could finally speak I sat up and asked him what had happened and he said I see you finally met the ghost. I said I thought you dont belive in that. He said I belive, they just leave me alone.

I asked him what he saw. He said I was pressed into the bed, he could see the shape of a hand on my shoulder. He was fasinated at watching it press me in to the bed. I did have a hand shaped bruise, fingers and a palm on my shoulder the next morning. I have picture of it.


From that day until the day I moved out I had a video camera on me everytime I went to bed. I have "it" on camera. It was not a waking dream. It was not from waking from REM. I have seen and experianced things in that house I can hardly talk about.


Later I learned that my house had been moved to the foundation it sat on in the 40's. Prior to that there was a house that had been built in the early 1800 and had burnt down. A woman killed her husband and burnt the house down around him. She was hung for her crime. My house sat on its basement and foundation. My house had been divided into a duplex. Upstairs and downstairs we were downstairs. In 1963, a tenent of my husbands grandparents hung himself in the upstiars apartment. in 1982 his grandmother hung herself in our bathroom. In 1996 his mother killed herself with sleeping pills in our bedroom. My ex husband still lives there today. He sleeps in the room over the garage not attached to the house that he built shortly before we were married. How do I know this. Because during our entire marriage from day 1 that is where he slept. They dont bother him there.


This happened approx. 11 times in that house.. never before and never since. When we divorced a short time later I moved out and was never bothered by it again. However I did go back about 1 month later to get mail. When he answered the door he invited me in. As I started to cross the threshold I felt a surge of wind my hair moved with it and felt more than heard "Get out" I backed away and let him bring me my mail on the stoop... I have never been back since. I avoid the area entirely.




I truely belive in hauntings.. I think your sister came to check up on you.

Omg..That IS quite freaky. I never have delt with an evil spirit before but MAN what you went through is worse than I have. >_< I'd like to see the video and picture though. o_o

o_O I sometimes see dead things, but never people. Mostly I just see pets that I was very close too. Also sometimes when I dream I have visions that always come true. ALWAYS- even bad ones. :( My mom says I'm psychic and every morning she asks me what I dream about. *special* ^_^

Sometimes it's scary, because I can never tell what's a dream and what's a vision..... I usually sleep with my big fat cat next to me so I don't get dreams. (Don't ask)

I would totally flip if anything like that happened to me.

Once I saw a dead pet too. o_o Visions? My other sister has that, it is QUITE freaky. Sometimes I have it like something embarrassing is gonna happen to me and it actually did.. x//D *doesn't wanna say*


Evil spirits can be really nasty things. :yes: DOOM combat squads make a policy of blasting them with HEE type weapons, which finish them off instead of just startling them. :evil:


That's one freaky story ckayser. I've never had any temporary paralysis or premonitions (I'm actually somewhat glad of that) or any freaky experiences with ghosts... But just in case, I should keep one of the guns used in Ghostbusters close by and I'll try not to think of any giant marshmellow (no incorrect statements here :shiftyeyes_anim: ) men (if you don't get it, don't ask) :P

That's one freaky story ckayser. I've never had any temporary paralysis or premonitions (I'm actually somewhat glad of that) or any freaky experiences with ghosts... But just in case, I should keep one of the guns used in Ghostbusters close by and I'll try not to think of any giant muffin men (if you don't get it, don't ask) :P




Not to be cranky... But it was the STAY PUFF MARSHMELLOW MAN Because he was so good and sweet.....!

Who ya gunna call?




If I had a giant muffin man.. I would give him to a moose..... and you know what would happen then.........


Speaking of future telling prowess, I also have a bit of that myself. It's almost never been awake visions, but usually I get future insight in my dreams. Often it's really silly stuff, and in the dream I usually take notice of the surroundings (ie, what cars passing, noises, people who are around) rather than what's really going on. If it involves one of my friends, I usually remember a key word in whatever conversation we're having.


I used to keep tabs on them in the past, but nowadays I'll remember while it's happening, a la deja vu. Which is probably for the best, since I've never held the future in much regard. I prefer the present.


Edit: P.S I love Ghostbusters. :D:D


Whenever something happens in life, like I meet someone or something occurs, I always get this nagging feeling that I've experienced this before, as in deja vu, and it's really creepy!


Really,i think you've got to just take it in your stride, so to speak. There's no point being creeped out cause it'll probably happen more in the future, and it's just not worth it.


I don't seem to have experienced any of these out of the ordinary things... most of the annoying supernatural entities have learned to avoid DOOM by now. :yes:

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