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Bhutto Assasination

Lutarist Jake

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Well quite frankly I think it's too early to say. Organisations like Al-Qaeda tend to claim responsibility for anything of that sort.

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Well she was the leader of the opposition, there's a possible motive.


But any answers given now are probably still premature.

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Well the governemt said that she hit her head on the car i guess Dodging the bullets. I say it was an islamic extremist. but thats my personal opinon. I think its such a shame

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Going on what ellie said. I decided to switch up some words. Mabey a man who wanted to impress al-Queada?

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I believe it was Al-Qaeda.


They have been quite active at the moment, and with the incident of 4 French dying in Mauritania last week, the Lisbon-Dakar 2008 rally was canceled earlier today.


The event was supposed to start tomorrow.


However, regarding Bhutto, I must state that Pakistan will be engulfed in another wave of violence and death with the news following her assassination.

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Well, it still looks like the PPP is still going to contest the elections anyway.


I like their actions - if they hide away with fear it'll be even worse, believe me.

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Well at least things are calming down now. Hopefully everything can be settled peacefully and democratically. Hopefully.

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