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Lady's and Gentelman, we have a winner! Three cheers for 7r6 - our winner. Here is the winning entry.




Congratulations on winning and to everyone else to entered! Thanks.



You see, I still havn't thought of a prize, so you get a gag prize. :P


Prize #1 - A year supply of crayons! (oh, shiny)

Prize #2 - A very nice trophy for your signature. (see below)

Prize #3 - The privlidge to place, "I pwn Superfly." in your signature for 2 whole weeks. :O (what some people would give to have that privlidge.) ;)


Trophy: 102_1.gif - Thanks to Neopets for the lovely trophy. ;)


:P (basically you get bragging rights :P)


Congrats 7r6!

That was a really awesome picture that you entered!


I just wish that I had the ability to say I pwn TJ (that is one great privilege, it's pretty hard to pwn TJ!) :P


That's awesome, 7r6! Congratulations!


Due to the recent issue with TNT and the donations account, I suppose there wont be a second or third place. That's fine though. :yes:


Oh wow.. haha i didn't even know the voting ended.. yay! thanks people.

(do i really get crayons?)


(i pwn TJ :O)

Oh wow.. haha i didn't even know the voting ended.. yay! thanks people.

(do i really get crayons?)


(i pwn TJ :O )


:P No crayons. lol But you can really put that in your sig. ;)


Congratulations to 7r6 on your excellent display of the drawing prowess which I so critically lack. :P


Great job on the entry! It looks like it took a lot of time! :yes:


((Doesn't need a shmancy contest to say "I pwn Superfly" :O ))


xD ok then i shall use it to my full advantage *changes siggy*


thanksies.. it did take a lot of time.. but that was mainly procrastination on my part ;)

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