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The Snowbeast


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I just recently got the snowbeast as a battledome challenger while viewing the advent calendar so I just wanted to ask: Is there a bigger chance of getting the snowbeast as a battledome challenger on December or does it stay the same for the rest of the year?

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From what I have seen, all winter random events are more likely to occur than usual. So, I'd be inclined to say that you're more likely to get this event, strictly because ALL winter random events occur more frequently. :wink:

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Congrats on getting the Snowbeast as a challenger!


As Mike was saying about Winter Random Events, I agree that they occur more frequently during December. I just got a Super Icy Negg while viewing the Advent Calender!

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That's not entirely true. I actually had some ice skeletons rob me while playing Neoquest II, so I think they happen elsewhere, just more uncommon outside of Terror Mountain.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for reviving an old thread but its my question is related. I've just gotten to the Snowbeast in the 'Defender of Neopian' and I was wondering since the Advent calender was down (not the month of celebrating) is there a chance of still getting him while refreshing?

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It doesn't actually have to be at advent calendar, I got him randomly one day just on top of the mountain.



Cool, thanks for letting me know it doesn't have to be at the calendar. I just have to play around the top o' mountain then.



Someone might want to add this bit in the 'Secret Battledome Challengers' as it just points to the 'Advent Calendar' for refreshing

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Well I guess refreshing at the Advent Calendar would work just as well... *shrug*

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I hate my luck on Neopets. *shakes fist* About the only valuable item I ever got was a Cybunny Transmogrification Potion worth 400k.

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