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Why is my pet frowning?

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I've been playing for a couple months now and all of a sudden my pet started frowning at me. He's not hungry, he's still cheerful, he's at full hp ... I can't think of anything else to check on. Does anyone know what might be going on? Thank you, Eiss


All I can think of is: did he get sick? That won't reduce a pet's HP, but it gets unhappy pretty quickly. Pets can get sick from things like the Scarab Drop or some of the Wheels (Misfortune and Excitement for sure, maybe others), or from eating a Rotten or Poisonous food. You can check by going to the Quick Reference page and scrolling to the bottom -- if you have a sick pet, there'll be a message that says "Warning: [Pet's Name] is suffering from [some disease]!" You can click the link to go to the Neopian Pharmacy and find out what the cure is if you want -- most cures are ridiculously expensive though, it's much easier to just keep going to the Healing Springs with your sick pet active until the faerie there (eventually, it might take several tries) heals it for free. The pet will still be unhappy even after it's cured, but get a few cheap toys and play with it a bunch of times and it'll be good as new. :)


No, if it was grey it would look the same as before if there was nothing wrong. I think onime has the right idea, probably sick.


I think maybe the pet is hungry...

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