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What's your fav. Disney character???

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Hey, my favourite disney character is Winnie the Pooh and I'm just wondering how many other ppl like him too. But plz post away what characters you like they don't have to be disney if you don't like disney...

Thanx and post away!


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I love all the Disney characters especially Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse! My fave Winnie the Pooh character would have to be Piglet though, if I really had to choose...

I love all the Disney characters especially Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse! My fave Winnie the Pooh character would have to be Piglet though, if I really had to choose...


lol, Mickey Mouse rox, I also like Mini Mouse. My mum made me a mini mouse costume for a bday party...

Piglet Rox but Winnie still rox my world lol :D


Sometimes I think Winnie is a little strange...Ooooh Rabbit is funny as well. Anyway, I also love Disney movies. Oh and Goofy rules!

Sometimes I think Winnie is a little strange...Ooooh Rabbit is funny as well. Anyway, I also love Disney movies. Oh and Goofy rules!


omg! my mum's fav. character is rabbit i dont know way but....yea


i gotta say donald's my favorite, since when he throws temper tantrums, they're pretty similar to the ones i throw, minus the hissing and spitting and duck voice. ^_^

besides the 'classic' disney charcters, i love simba and pegasus. lion king is my favorite disney movie of all time. :wub_anim:


I am also a big lion king fan. I've even seen the broadway version twice.

My favorite disney characters are Chip and Dale. I also like Rodger Rabbit and Jane from Tarzan.


I love love love love love love love love Alice form Alcie in wonderland!!!! That is my fav disney movie!!!! ^_^ I love how they did it!!!!!!


I've got to say pumba from the lion king


Is whinee the pooh disney?


I also like the seven dwarfs

They are beasts


Hm....I don't watch that much...'Disney'......sort of......Um.....I'd say, Dory or Nemo, Or Flo....from 'finging nemo'. I think that's disney....but otherwise....


woooo leme think!


Hm........Tom and Jerry? Is that Disney? Or.... lets say, Donald Duck.

There's an Alice movie coming out, but it isn't all charming like in the story lol. It's with Sarah Michelle Gellar.





In the name of Lewis Carrol and all that is good Curse them Curse them!!!!!! Everyone knows a remake or sequel is better then the original!!!! Even if it is done years later!!!! They will take away the child like charm and the innocence!!!!!!!! :crying: I hate them!!!!! :angry:


i agree. i'd have to say my fav/ disney character is maleficent (i know, i know, shes evil). but shes totally the best evil person ever. last time i went to disney, i got my pic taken w/ her!!!!! :woot:


Lion king is great too. and tigger and pooh are awesome as well.

In the name of Lewis Carrol and all that is good Curse them Curse them!!!!!! Everyone knows a remake or sequel is better then the original!!!! Even if it is done years later!!!! They will take away the child like charm and the innocence!!!!!!!! :crying: I hate them!!!!! :angry:



How dare you, the original is the best, its like, what if they remade Raiders of the Lost ark, or any other classic films, it be rubbish, degraceful, making a remake is like saying, that film is rubbsih, im gonna steal that idea and make a better one. :grrr: NEVER MAKE REMAKES :grrr: , oh and sequels can be alright but there are some films which should not have sequels, The lion King, classic, number 2 was alright, but was the third one on about, that was a insult


Oh and about your disney charcheter, i don't really have to answer, as you can see


I just can't get enough of any of the 100 acre wood gang. I love them all, like I have since I was like 3. Right now I am reading The Tao of Pooh and The Tae of Piglet. They are different, but still good books.

  • 3 weeks later...

My friends nickname me Mickey Mouse sometimes coz my nickname is officially Mickey but they still add Mouse sometimes even though I am a girl. It gets annoying sometimes.

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