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Rate Neopets!


What do you rate Neopets?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Between 1-5, What do you rate Neopets?

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Soon it's new year, new plots, new pets ( Maby? ) and new items, but what about this year? Was it right or wrong to have another Altador Cup? Was the plot to boring? Etc. etc.


Sorry if I post this topic in wrong area.

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I voted 4/5 - TNT has done a terrific job this year with the new layout and all, and hopefully the long-waited pound and the rumoured plot will surface soon. But nothing's perfect...

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I also voted 4/5!


I think TNT has worked hard this year and has done a lot for the game, but they have had their slip ups. What would definitely help this year, would be for TNT to follow through with their promise to bring the pound back before the end of the year!!!


Lets hope for a good year for neopets next year!

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I gave it 4/5. It is still the best online pets site out there IMO (but I haven't really tried the other ones :P). Okay we'll go with most successful.


Not full marks because:

1) Site is glitchy and tons of stuff are WAY overdue to be fixed (*cough* pound *cough* entering battledome problems *cough* clock glitch *cough* etc...)

2) There is a lack of wars. I don't care for plots really. :P

3) TNT has done nothing as yet to curb the inflation on high end BD items / codestones that they promised to in the editorial.

4) Okay I have too much to say, 4/5 was generous :P

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I'm just gonna point out that nobody who would rate neopets a one is going to be on this forum. I give neo a 4/5, the re-vamping of the front page and games room have been great. However, I think neopets could prioritize their upgrades a little better. Quit releasing new items that most people don't really care that much about and focus on what can benefit everyone... like the pound and battledome (not that I ever use the pound, but I know a lot of people do). It would be awesome if they could make the battledome flash, although I know that's a little much to ask for...

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I gave it a 4/5 despite wanting to give it a lower grade. All in all, you have to consider that they're swamped with many things, such as the pound, customization, battledome, everything else that you guys mentioned. My problem is that they don't hire enough people to get all that swamped stuff done. After all, if they want to get stuff done, they have to have workers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd have to say 3 out of 5, I don't feel like listing some of the reasons why I voted 3 out of 5 so I'll just say they need to look over their site and update their graphics. :P

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4/5 here. TNT have worked quite hard this year, providing us with a cool new layout and better redesigned pets. It featured the return of AC (I hope it'll be a yearly event, it's my favorite event on Neo), and some average-good plots.


On the downside, we have the closing of the Pound (which is STILL not open), virus reports in advertisements (not that it's TNT's fault, but they should listen to the bug reports and problems instead of just letting them be), and an increasingly number of bugs - Advent Calendar, Battledome, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would have thought the changes were a good thing - well with the exception of the redraws of the pets. I can understand why some people reacted negatively to those.

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  • 3 months later...

I would rate neopets a +++++. There's always something to do, and it's easy for me to fall in and out of addiction to it. I still remember it when I was a little kid, and it has improved a lot. I probably haven't gone on it as much as you guys have though, so I haven't encountered as many problems, which is why I just gave it a 5, but I know it's not perfect.

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I would give Neopets a 4/5 because of the following reasons:

(remember I will list some cons about Neopets here too)


  • I have been using neo since I was 7...
  • Nice layout, awesome graphics (Avatars, items, etc etc) and even cooler pets.
  • AWESOME PET REVAMPS! x3 (I liked them...I have no clue about you though.)
  • Interesting contests (I :wub_anim: the Random Contest -shot-)
  • Okay-ish plots. At least I did somewhat good in the TRODS plot. (I failed on the 3 mods. I'd make a terrible programmer Dx)


  • There are other pet sites that I can get addicted to other than Neopets. *coughsubetaisreallyaddictingcough*
  • Some ads are a bit annoying at times. Like this Kool-Aid one in March 2008 that appeared when I was customising my pets.
  • Some changes on this site were more like twists.

  • Uhm...that's about it. :whistle:
  • Except for the fact that I'm bad at some of the flash games.

Just my thoughts, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about any of these.

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Well I guess I don't really count the Neopets ads as that much of a con, since I use Adblock to get rid of them.


And I forgot to mention in my previous posts that I absolutely love the Neopets plots! :D RoS was awesome in my opinion.

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  • 1 month later...

I personaly love neopets, I've only been here, about 5 months, and I LOVE IT!!!!! ( expeshily the javascript programing that they let you do) ^_^ ^_^

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  • 2 months later...

I've been on Neopets 7 months, and I LOVE it!!! It's my favorite site and pretty much the only one I go on...I'm kind of obsessed...


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