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Okay, I seriously hate this. I've been on TAP, P10 for an entire MONTH!! Every day I get on and set my neopoints to the inflation rate! I can't get the item I need and I'm always sitting here on my bubble butt refreshing the shop for hours! Someone! Please help me with this! I'm just about to give up on it! I know that there are three items I can get, the chocolate coin, the coin purse, or the scale, but no matter where I go, I can't find any of them! It's annoying the h e double toothpicks out of me because I'm LOOSING MY MIND working on it. I don't give up on things easily; this qualifies as 'not easy'. :grrr: The stress is making me sick! :sick01:

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Um, I know this sounds somewhat stupid, but I did the same thing when I was on part 10: did you set your neopoints to the different inflation rate for each shop?

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Alright, I'll give it to you step-by-step:


Go to one of the three shops:


Exquisite Ambrosia



Illustrious Weaponry



Magical Marvels



Select one of the shops to work with first.


For example, select Magical Marvels.

Look at the inflation rate in the shop.

Multiply the rate by 100, and have that many neopoints in your hand.

For example, if inflation was 3.25%, then have 325 neopoints in your hand. In other words, you need to have the number 325 in the top right hand corner that links to your items.

Go back to that same shop, in this case, Magical Marvels, and see if the item acp_scales.gif is in there.


If it is, click on it.


If not,

Go back to one of the other shops, and have the number of neopoints that is 100 times the inflation rate in your hand.


For example, after you checked the Magical Marvels, if it's not there, go to Illustrious Weaponry, which, we'll say, has 2.33% inflation. Then have 233 in the top right hand corner, and check for acp_coinpurse.gif.


If it's still not there, go to Exquisite Ambrosia, do the same, and look for acp_chococoin.gif.



If you still can't get it, you either can't read English or you skipped or missed a step.

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Oh jeez. xD This one's longer. x_x


I'm assuming you already found the petpet and have all the healing materials.

-the Elixir

-the pie

-the bandages


Now go to the petpet.

If the cute little guy looks like he's about to barf, give him medicine.



If he's bowing down to you, do "wait"



If he's drooling the Mississippi, feed him "pie"



If he wants to shake your hand, "bandage" him.



Now, every minute, "Check" in on him, and apply the remedies according to how he looks. It doesn't have to be exactly 60 seconds, just AT LEAST. So if you checked him at 2:00:00 NST, he wants to shake your hand, apply bandages. Then, at 2:01:02, notice it's not exactly one minute. You can go a little over. In fact, do so, so you don't accidentally go too early. The next one can be 2:02:45 even. Just make sure at least 60 pass between each remedy you apply and check in. After you do this 10 times, meaning you will take a little over 10 minutes, the Skeith from the PPL should appear and you can proceed.


HOOO, gosh, too tired to concentrate on grammar right now. I hope you understood it all.


Hugemongo example:


Check in at 3:00:00/hand shake/apply bandages

Check in at 3:01:34/barf/elixir

Check in at 3:02:36/bow/wait

Check in at 3:03:37/bow/wait

Check in at 3:04:44/drool/pie

Check in at 3:05:47/barf/elixir

Check in at 3:06:48/hand shake/bandages

Check in at 3:07:50/drool/pie

Check in at 3:08:54/barf/elixir

Check in at 3:09:59/barf/elixir

Check in at 3:11:07/bow/wait


Notice that the seconds (nn:nn:SECONDS!) are greater than 60 between each. On the last two, 60 seconds after 3:09:59 would be 3:10:59, so the minutes jumped over to 11. ^^



Now remember, Vaeolus are awesome, and don't forget it.

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Okay, I get all that, but how do I do it? I only get the 4 options, and I don't know if I have them all because they're not in my inventory. I know that I got the bandages. How do I bandage the petpet? Which option do I choose? I went to get the Elixir but I don't know if I got it. It's not in my inventory. Pie, I got from the Punch Club, but again! It's not in my inventory. I'll try to do this step while I wait for an answer, but if I can't, I'm just gonna wait.

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There should be a set of buttons/links on the page with the Vaeolus - just click the appropriate one.

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Then what options do you have? ._. We don't remember from a year ago.



"Give Medicine"


"Check In"


I'm assuming that "Check In" is the bandage option, but I can't figure it out. If I trusted you, I'd ask you to get on my account and help me with the step to get to the constellation fo me, but I don't trust you that much yet >.>

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But I did!! I refreshed the page until I saw the torn bandages, clicked on them, and got the bandages! I don't know why it didn't work! I'll try again to get them, but if I can't, then I already have them. But I can't get the option to show.

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There's a chance that the plot is glitched for you, in which case this is going to be rather problematic...

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Yes, except you need to keep doing this until the screen changes completely to the PPL guy. Don't worry, you won't miss it. It's nice and obvious, since the picture changes and all the options disappear.

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And you should make sure that you wait a minute between each action. :yes: But it should be fine.

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