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Hello fellow TDN members! I am a new member to neopets AND the daily so I need tips!! Please help but don't tell me absolutely EVERYTHING because I like a challenge ^_^


Thank you!


Hey! I'm Dj and on behalf of the mighty DOOM Corp I would like to welcome you to the TDN Forums! We would like to welcome you with some celebratory welcome cookies *gives DOOM cookies*


Wow that is sooo sweet! Not many people are being very nice to me cause I'm a noob... :sad01_anim: But ya thanks for the cookie!! *bites delicious cookie* Mmmmm ^_^


That's ok :D . It's just a pity that you joined the Pastry Pals instead of DOOM :sad01_anim: ... Oh well, welcome anyway.


Actually I'm not so sure that I will be staying with pastry pals... I am currenlty in the process of creating my own club. It will be a mixture of good and evil. I have PMd Xepha asking her about it and it will (hopefully) be up and going soon :D


P.S. I heard about the poisoned cookies. Nice!! I will probably have to think of something to that sort...... :evil:


Sidestepping the whole DOOM/Pastry Pals Argument, I'd just like to point out that antidotes to all poisonous cookies made by our members are over there. Feel free to take one per cookie you eat accidentally.


On a better note, welcome to TDN Forums. Things that should be addressed:


1. Read the rules. The moderators don't like it if you don't

2. Don't take any more poisonous cookies. One is bad enough.

3. Have fun!


Hello, welcome to TDNF *cough Join Doom cough*


Welcome to TDN forums on behalf of DOOM's undercover division! In defense of our cookies, the poison actually improves your health given time (in, erm, special ways). So would you like another?

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