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The Last Blast


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Personally, I think The Last Blast is one of the best games Neopets has released recently (or it could just be my love of blowing stuff up :P ), and I'm curious to know what everybody else thinks of it.


Also, I finally managed to blast my way through to the control center, but I died there because I couldn't figure out how to trigger the final switch. Does anybody know how to do that?

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I'm not very good at Last Blast, but at least I try :D . I agree AA, this is one of the better games recently released by TNT, the graphics are good and I think it is just generally an all-round fun game to play.

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The end? I wish! I just wandered around firing aimlessly until I was finally over-run by those annoying spyders...

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I would play it more, but it creeps me out when the whole place is empty and you hear robots teleporting in, and suddenly a massive attack force appears and hits you from behind.

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The trick to that is remembering to check around you every few seconds. I've gotten practised at quickly turning around and using the side/back movement keys to keep moving in the same direction while I check for enemies.


Also, at your starting position for each level, there's a rough map of the place. It shows you where you start (the green Grundo), where all the switches are (the bullseyes), where the doors are (the red lines) and where the checkpoint is (the red line with an arrow pointing to it). This is a valuable tool to avoid wandering around aimlessly.

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True to my general attitude towards first-person shooters, I prefer to stand far back and take out my opponents from a huge distance. Those spyders are fast though, and they tend to get the jump on you.

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As I was watching you play I noticed that the big Sloth robots had two disadvantages: They are extremely slow, and you have enough time to get out of the way when they attack you.

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Are you sure they're actually that slow? All I've noticed is that they looks low for their size, which isn't saying much.

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Nope, I don't think you can outrun any of your opponents in the game. You can go backwards while blasting them in the face though.

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Nope, it was just that I had keyboard problems. It's fine with the other weapons as well, although with something as powerful as the goo blaster there's no point in running away.

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Nope. That switch has to be there for a reason.


And as you kill more and more of a particular type of robot, you get less points from it.

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Well AA3 finds it creepy, and I agree that it can be somewhat surprising when you're jumped from behind. However, as far as I'm concerned, the blowing up cancels it out.

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Any game with stuff blowing up is cool. I don't think its scary at all, but then again I enjoy horror movies :evil:

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If I get good enough at the game, I might actually right a guide and submit it to TDN.


On the other hand, I have to figure out the last bit first. <_<

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I believe it's called Shenkuu River Rush.


I just love the Virtublaster 3000 (the second weapon). Just take a second or two to aim, and you can demolish 3 giant spyders per second.

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In the later levels you don't have the time to laugh your head off and then go and pick it back up.


I still can't figure out how to trigger that big switch.

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