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Would it be possible if there was a PM Deleted messages section.


Sometimes I delete a message, then realize the next day, that i needed it :P

So basically, Would a Extra folder be added to the PM section for Deleted PM's.

Then when theya re in there, you can go back and restore it to the inbox.

But it automacially empties it every 5 Days.


Something Like Hotmail does.


That would help people out sometimes, but is that even possible to do?


I don't know if there's a plug in for something like that or not...


I am a admin of a phpBB forum and a vbulletin forum and I am very sure I can't do that. :yes:


But these are IPB forums Pen, there's a big difference. For what Ian is paying for these forums, there had better be a trash can plugin in the very least.


The only versions are for IPB 2.0 and2.1. If you guys wanna search better go to invisionize.com


There are mods out there for this, but unfortunately none of them are compatible with our version of Invision Power Board. Go read the announcements though... you may be pleased to see them. :)

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