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This is a rather sad story: http://www.abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=3903188


I mean seriously: a parent - who should know how damaging cyber-bullying can be, and who should be a pillar of the community - befriends a child (who she knows) online under a fake identity, then begins abusing her AND encourages other children in the community to do the same, finally driving the child to the point of suicide. This is a gross misuse of the internet.

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This is horrible. Anyone here who thinks that Myspace should be shut down say 'Aye'


Really, Myspace is more hurtful than helpful. And if I can live without it then anyone can.

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I'm not sure if there's a legal way to shut it down actually, although I guess they could sue it. Still, 'Aye'!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard about that Megan girl who hung herself. Pretty awful things human can do to oneanother.

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Apparently some top brass guy said that there wasn't sufficient evidence to press charges.

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Well for some people that's possible (like me, since I have no life...), but in this case the girl was driven to suicide. I guess it comes from having somebody get close to you and then turn on you.

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What a horrible disgusting little jerk! I mean why would she do this? God will punish her badly... How dare she do this i wish i wknow her hotmail to give a peice of my mind.... Absolutly disgusting....

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Well apparently she's protected by the law. :sick01: I mean, seriously, protecting people like that under the law? That's just stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not into social networking or such, but they should at least regulate those sites better.


And this girl wasn't killed/raped - she was upset to the point where she committed suicide.

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The thing is, this is somewhat worse than straight killing because the girl's emotions were messed with until she couldn't stand life anymore.

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