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The unwritten Shoutbox rules

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I have observed the large amount of new members getting into trouble in the shoutbox becaue they post more than three times in a row. There is no rule regarding how many time we can post in a row in the Shoutbox, therefore no one should be getting in trouble for doing so.

There is nothing in the rules regarding the shoutbox. Some might like to know what the minimum amount of characters that can be, as well as the maximum (if there is one). Also, what kind of codes can be used and not used. Advertising topics on the forums has become a big thing too, whether that should be allowed or not should be added to the rules.

Also, a small FAQ to answer questions about the current glitches of the Shoutbox, including why it stops refreshing, why the colors won't stick, and help on how to edit or delete posts incase some members get lost.


Pretty much anything would help.


I've already voiced my feelings on this, before, but I'll toss in my two cents. I've noticed that as of late, more people are just repeating themselves over and over again. This can be considered spamming, but they don't realize that. Also, I won't state any names, but using all CAPS on almost every shout, no punctuation, or just downright horrendous grammar/spelling should be advised against, as well. It's one thing to have slight spelling issues, but to say things in a manner that you have to sit down and decode their message is just overly annoying.


I agree with everything said so far. I think there used to be a shoutbox rule topic, but it got lost in the latest forum update.


I absoultely agree. It makes me so angry. That could partly be why I am going on a "triP" its just got spammy. Not just the shout box either.


Thanks, please read the announcements! I agree, the shoutbox is a bit spammy. So, we've laid down some official rules! Thanks for prompting us on this one. ;)

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