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Christmas Charities  

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  1. 1. Are you doing any charities to help the less fortunate?

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Christmas is roughly 9 weeks away, and most of you will have a happy Christmas.


Though throughout the world in many hospitals, sick children and adults will have a tough Christmas. :crying:

So because Christmas is the time of giving not receiving. Are you planning on any Charities events to attend/help to maybe give these people a slightly better Christmas.


So far all im doing is the Santa Dash

Chuck on a Santa suit (coat/trousers/hat/beard) and run 5km (3 miles)

Its not doing much, but every tiny bit helps.

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Although I am currently stuck on the Halloween spirit, I don't mind thinking about Christmas.


I have been doing this every year, and I haven't gotten the newsletter for it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's called, "Operation Christmas". What I do is get a shoe box, fill it with a bunch of toys and presents, and then wrap it up. Then, the organization sends it off to Africa, India, or any other poverty-stricken place. On Christmas day, those kids who least expect presents get one of the boxes full of wonderful stufferz. It makes me feel all good and happy to be helping out other kids.

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I have been doing this every year, and I haven't gotten the newsletter for it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's called, "Operation Christmas". What I do is get a shoe box, fill it with a bunch of toys and presents, and then wrap it up. Then, the organization sends it off to Africa, India, or any other poverty-stricken place. On Christmas day, those kids who least expect presents get one of the boxes full of wonderful stufferz. It makes me feel all good and happy to be helping out other kids.


We do that too.

Also we sponser a kid in an orphanage in India and we are sending him and his brothers/sisters a Christmas hamper

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  • 2 weeks later...

At my Church they have a donation tree. What they do is they put up letters from poor and sick kids on the tree and then people can pick them up, purchase the gift and put the gift under the tree. Then we go to the hospitals or orphanage and give them the gifts. And they're so humble because, they don't ask for a Playstation or huge gifts, they ask for dolls, cars, etc.

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Just the other day, the local motorcycle clubs got together for a ride and everyone brought toys to donate to Toys for Tots. They do this each year and it's a lot of fun. Santa even rides in on his bike! This year my sister, her fiance, and I donatated quite a bit of toys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to donate so much money cause I believe giving is better you get to see their sweet reaction when unraveling stuff so i want to donate to african kids cause they barly celebrate christmas

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My family aren't the richest people around so probably no.

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My father is saying that I'll probably be getting an Xbox 360. ^_^

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Lucky you, eh?


Well, it's not very likely that I'll contribute to any organization, but I'd rather do that than have my local church asking me for donations. I hate these guys, and although it's about Jesus and all that religious stuff which I do show some interest in, I don't like their attitudes. Many people don't even contribute to the church, because it's well known that our priest has enough money to keep the church community running.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're interested in helping the less fortunate, but you still want to get your Christmas shopping done, you can!


Charity LLC runs free clicks for cancer, world hunger, child health, animal rescue, literacy, and rainforest philanthropies. If you go to one link, there are tabs along the top linking to the other five. ie: http://www.thechildhealthsite.com.


It's pretty neat, because if you click on the links, the site will automatically donate money toward charities. However, if you actually want to purchase free trade goods that benefit the individual charities, you can do that as well. It's really an amazing concept! Say you buy a scarf from Ecuador. The money will not only go to benefit charities, but actually partially get back to the people that made the goods.

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Well, my family is going through some tough times also. (We have to add on to the house and get a new car) So I am a member of Club Penguin. They have an organization called "Coins For Change" in which you donate the virtual coins you earn to a cause. You choose between sick kids, poor kids, and a clean environment. The amount of coins donated to each cause will decide what portion of the real $1,000,000 given out. Go to This Link to create your own penguin and participate in this event. ^_^

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