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If I had 3 wishes, I would...


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If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

Here are the conditions....


1. One wish must be Neo-related (after all, this is thedailyNEOPETS!)

2. One wish must be used on someone else

3. And your last wish is for you to decide.


Remember to keep things CLEAN!


If a similar board has been made, it is purely coincidental and feel free to click the DELETE button if needed!


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Neo: I wish for unlimited NP so I can just buy whatever I want instead of saving forever and never being able to decide which goal to go for first and being too tight to spend my "precious" savings! GAH!


Someone else: I wish for Kevin Rudd to win the Australian Election (although that would be good for me too!)


MINE!!!: I wish to be happy

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I would wish for all plots to be open for a month.

That way, I would complete them.


Someone Else:

I wish that the effects of Global Warming seized to exist (hey, I'm helping everybody else, aren't I?)



I would wish for a long and peaceful life.

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1. I'd wish for inflation to stop, at least for a few months.

2. I'd wish that politicians would finally come to their senses.

3. I'd wish to know and be able to completely understand & utilise everything there is to know.

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

1. I wish it was addictive as it was when I first joined, which it is not. And that everything would go bad to the way it was five years ago.

2. I wish for the fires in California to end.

3. I wish I had three more rule-free wishes! ^w^


3a. I wish I had a superfast pc for my room.

3b. I wish I had Phtoshop CS3

3c. I wish I had the patience to draw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. To have all the retired avatars or the ones that I can't get (as in the plot ones because they are over). ^^

2. I would wish for everyone to forget about using nuclear weapons... for us to lose the knowledge and never be able to regain it again.

3. I would wish to be able to speak every language in the world fluently.

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1.) I wish that everyone could stop being n00bs and cookie-grabbers and all that and neo was a more fun appealing place without hackers and those automated pound-stealing people things for example


2.) I wish that everyone could live in peace and we could all have a socialist goverment (the most peaceful and idealistic type of goverment :))


3.) I wish that I could have the power to grant myself as many wishes as I wanted, only if they were used for good intentions I mean, like no, "I hate that person make her dissapear."

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1: I wish I had the Chef Bonjur avatar, and everyone else had to look on in awe.

2: I wish that scientists would find a more environment friendly fuel.

3: I wish I could move up to Canada with Veronique, us both having jobs.

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