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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, so I thought I'd just take a few secs to introduce myself. My name is Verena, I currently live in Austria (but I have also lived in Australia, Italy and England) and have been playing Neopets since 2001.

My account is called madonna_darling, and I would love to get to know other members ... so go ahead and neomail me if you wish! ^_^

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Hi Verena, and welcome to the TDN asylum forums! Just make sure you take a sec to read the rules (and avoid the meepits) and you should be fine. :yes:


I'm AA, the evil mastermind and cookie-maker around these parts. Like one? *offers cookie*

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AA, you were right the first time, it is an asylum. Just look Shiuze's avie.


Joking, don't worry, nobody is in straight jackets here. SOme should be....


Huh, oh don't mind what I just said.


ANywho.... THe muffins welcoming table is down the purple hall nad take a right at the blue fish table. But don't stop at eh fish. TEHy is nasty fish.


And I'm Mia if you can't tell. I'm hte awesomest here, and probably should be put in a straightjacket....



And by the by, I give this newbie speel to everyone, so if sounds rehearsed, its probably because it is! Lol.


P.S. I'm the REAL muffin man. Back then women weren't supposed to have jobs, so they made a song about a guy, but it's totally aobut me. I'm known as the awesome super soft, pink-loving muffin ruling and creating mistree of all!

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Listen to Levy and Vira and AA htey are awesome people.


Sorry Shiuze, I just don't know you.


Anyway. If you need any help, we're all mostly nice people and I don't think we bite.... much.

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Guest Kaguroi Haato
Listen to Levy and Vira and AA htey are awesome people.

HA! I knew you would start calling me by my name! ^w^


Also, a note for Verena, if you are having any questions ask some of the members (But not Teej, sometimes I wonder if he knows what he is talking about half the time.)

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It was inevitable wasn't it Levy. But I still could callyou TA if I wanted. And if you need any help neopets also, I know great people who can help you pretty fast. So, if you're stuck you can always ask someone here or ask me.

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Hello Verena I am peguins I'm a tree lover and bigfoot fan anyways nice to meat you, have some welcoming penguin tea.

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