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Nintendo DS


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Probably they just thought that the old design was good, and they incorporated it into the new one. Although the DS does look shinier... *drools*

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Well the first was like a primitve version of th DS. and mabey Nintendo doesnt want to admit that Game and Watch failed? Possibly.

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Well the first was like a primitve version of th DS. and mabey Nintendo doesnt want to admit that Game and Watch failed? Possibly.


Could be.

I wouldn't really say that Game & Watch failed, but it did seem rather unknown.

I hardly knew what that thing was a few years ago. I didn't even know where Mr. Game and Watch was from on SSBM.

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Wow. My guess is that Nintendo's researchers found that the design had been highly liked by a large test group, so they decided to go with some of the ideas. Certainly, the interface is highly advanced for its time on the Game and Watch.



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Wow both of them do look similar in many ways, thats very interesting thanks for sharing!!

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