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Harry Potter and the TDN version (if no one posts by the deadline, I will get a Staff to close this)

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A lot of us are huge fans of the Harry Potter books. However, I have seen a lot of people wanting to be part of the movies, but weren't able to audition because of any reason. Now, this is your chance of become a character. The twist? The story will be different! (in a way). Why am I doing this? Well, there are 3 reasons:


1) I don't want people to spoil the last book on here. We're going to base ourselves in the books up to the Half-Blood prince. We're NOT allowed to discuss the Deathly Hallows unless it's on the Staff selected topic). We will be using the characters and the classes of course. We're just going to be doing the dialogues in our own ways.


2) I don't like seeing people posting (on other forums) about being sad due to the fact, they cannot audition for the movies and they feel left out.


3) I have free time and besides writing guides for people, I want to get involved in a true Roleplaying topic.


I need to organize this very carefully as I'm a true Harry Potter fan and I want this Roleplaying to be "perfect". Having said this, I would really love your help HP fans! I would also like to ask you not to leave anyone behind, once we start this roleplaying! I know a lot of you cannot post everyday or sometimes you have real life issues to deal with (tell me about it <_< ). So please, bare with everyone and I will post a special message when I see people are staying behind. I will post more about this later.

My character: Well, I'll be Hermione since I'm a girl (in case you haven't already noticed) and she is my favorite character.


I need your help!

I may be a huge fan, but I don't have that much of a memory and I hate missing out on things. So for this I need people to help me with the lists! Your reward? You get to pick your characters first.


How this will work: I will first post a deadline for sign-ups (please you must have some Harry Potter knowledge if you want to apply for a main character). Once sign-ups are complete, I will pick from my Sorting Hat the names of those who will help me with the lists. Which is why I need you to have basic knowledge of the characters and the books! Once I have the lists, I will post the start date for the Roleplaying so everyone can get ready.

The lists:



-Characters List (I will provide this)

-A Books list

-Spells and Charms list

-Other List



Once I pick the names, I will PM you and you can choose a list you want to provide. I will provide the Characters List! Then a start deadline will be set and we will begin!





If this goes well, I might even start a guild for this. But, only if the feedback is good!



Post below if you would like to be part of this! You MUST be active on this forums and guarantee us that you will NOT drop out. So you MUST have AT LEAST 50 posts to join.

Deadline for sign-ups:


October 19th! You have 2 full weeks.


Sign-UP form:

Days and hours you are active on this forum or 

will be (aprox.):
Age (if you want to post it):
Comments (if you have any 

feedback about this Roleplaying topic):

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