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They really do listen! A Historical Moment (A historical moment for me, anyway)


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Way back when, you may have remembered when I countlessly tried getting into my side account and forgetting my birthday confirmation date. Well, two days or so ago, I finally decided to e-mail the site and tell them of my problem. I heard numerous times that it may take them weeks, months, or even years (Or perhaps, never) to respond to e-mails written to them by members. Imagine my surprise when I recieved an e-mail today from one of the staffers saying that they currently are working on my situation and they will reply again at some point later.

I just never thought it would've been taken care of so quickly. That is why I'm surprised. Oh, and here is my e-mail I wrote:


Dear TNT,


Months back, I created an account with the username "metroiders". Since I

haven't logged into it for who knows how long, I need to confirm my birthdate.

However, I probably was rushing my account to get it activated and ended up

putting down any ol' date. I managed to recieve the year from one of my

Neofriend on my other account, but I'm stumped on the day and month. Now I know

what I did was irresponsible and I should've at least wrote it down, I didn't. I

have the password to the account and everything, so if I could find out the date

I put down that would be excellent. In advance, I would like to thank all of you

for taking your time reading this.


Of course, I had a whole lot of my account information, but I'm sure that's best kept secret.

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Absolutely nothing happened.

I just wanted to make my side account my new account. I mean, I must've thought "panda_tamer" was adorable when I was younger, but it's been two and a half years since I created that account and would love to update it into "metroiders". I'm tired of seeing those ugly underscores and numbers.

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I hope you get your account back! I don't wanna sound all negative-ish or anything, but I think those messages from TNT are automatic. That doesn't mean they don't check them, but last time I e-mailed them I got a message just like that one and never heard from then again.


Who knows, maybe they do respond now o_O

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Um...yeah I hate to bring you down as well but I've had a similar problem to the penguin queen. I got a similar message about a glitch I reported where I gained ill gotten items...I've currently been putting them in trades reserved for TNT for...YEARS!!! Ok not years but maybe one year at least! It feels like forEVER. I seriously don't know what to do about it



I hope you get your account back! I don't wanna sound all negative-ish or anything, but I think those messages from TNT are automatic. That doesn't mean they don't check them, but last time I e-mailed them I got a message just like that one and never heard from then again.


Who knows, maybe they do respond now o_O

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Well, hopefully you can get back in soon :). My old one got hacked, what a shame...

Anyway, I've gotten much better since then. My newer account has better eveything except age. Good luck Metroid! ;)



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Um...yeah I hate to bring you down as well but I've had a similar problem to the penguin queen. I got a similar message about a glitch I reported where I gained ill gotten items...I've currently been putting them in trades reserved for TNT for...YEARS!!! Ok not years but maybe one year at least! It feels like forEVER. I seriously don't know what to do about it


Look's like the joke's on you guys.

They sent me the birthday confirmation code four days ago and now I can access my account! And you guys thought it would take forever...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have nothing like all of yours, my account is unable to access I lost the hotmail that I signed up inXD and I gorgot my password...

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I'm glad TNT could fix your problem so quickly. I think they deserve a lot more credit than they get... they have millions of users to manage, tons of new stuff to program, and existing bugs to work out every day. When I think about the workload they must have, I'm impressed that they can resolve user issues as quickly as they do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've lost my account with my spotted kougra on.. and a poogle because of the birthday thing.




I'm not going to bother messaging though... I only want my spotted Kougra from it ^^ And I can't as the adoption is down


I was so annoyed about it at the time.


Congrats on getting a reply. lolz

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I sent in a comment thingy once on something about the site. And they responded. And I could tell it wasn't automated. It was something like," Wow, that is like a really great idea! I'll talk to the staff and see what we can do about! Thanks so much of your idea!"


I was like," Okay cool."


Now, mind you it probably didn't go exactly like that.

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