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Okies well finally I got to see the girl I wanted to take to homecoming it was like 3+ days I've been trying to do it but when I ask her shes already taken by a guy I cant stand. And what makes it worse was I already had a present. Oh rejection how it stings. I cried a little bit because it was my first time asking someone out.

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I couldnt see her. I tried really hard but I just couldnt and it sucks. but life Will go on.

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Just Remember, Be sad, But don't be Over sad, because it may happen more and more times.


The same thing has happened to everyone at some point (even if they say it hasn't, it has ;))

So just be prepared just in case next time.


Also, Even if there was that chance you could see her, don't forget its about the nerves as well, Most people are well nervous asking someone out :P


But think of it of Riding a Bike, You fall off, or crash into a wall, You don't give up, You rest up and then get back on and try again. (and watch out for walls next time)

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Whoa thats deep. I was sad and then I got over it after gym. I was nervouse be she sure wasnt when she said Im already taken. Oh well. There the next dance.

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I have no experience in these matters, as I've never asked anybody out, and don't plan to in the foreseeable future, but I have a question - what's homecoming exactly?

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Basically it where you go to a football game then go out and eat go back to school and dance.

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I'm a girl so think about my advice! If you already bought her a present, give it to her with a sweet little note about how you had bought it already for her so you thought she should have it even if she didn't go with you. I think most girls would think that was really sweet! As long as you didn't make a big deal about it or anything (just in case she doesn't LIKE like you) but she'll definately feel all warm n fuzzy from it

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Nah I think she likes me but she was already taken. =/


But I wont let that get in the way of our friendship.


And great advice! :)

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I was never one to go to dances. I actually used to turn down advances.... But, from experience, I can tell you that you shouldn't back off a great deal, but you shouldn't be all (forgive my slang) in her face. Just be how you've always been. Plus, if you go with friends, show how much fun you're having, but leave a couple dances open in case she wishes to approach you. Plus, if that guy is a jerk, make sure you keep an eye out for her just to make sure she's okay. Just don't be overbearing. :glasses:

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  • 2 months later...

Well, she might just be doing it to make you jealous. Believe me, pretty girls like me do that a lot! :whistle: One time I wanted to go out with this super HOT guy but was too afraid to ask him. Solution? I went out with his mortal enemy, who was also pretty hot. ^_^ My point is, if she's going out with somebody you don't like, it's probably just to make you jealous. Next time, ask her ASAP!!! Even if you get rejected, it gives you time to find another date. Always have a back-up date; somebody who drools over the floor you walk on. Of course, make sure it's not a super nerd :nerd:

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ere are many kind ways and are many voilent ways..... One way punch him in the face and say "don't touch my girl" or you can do the non-voilent way say to the girl you love her or something

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