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What Would You Put In Neopets If You Could?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this idea of having a new competition. It would be a combination of an art contest and a creative idea contest - create your own neopets item! You would enter the name, description and drawing and the best every week would become an actual neo item! And TNT would make up the stats and everything. Might take some pressure off their team :laughingsmiley:

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How about Neoschool?

In my opinion, they should put that in their top priority.

How many years now has it been?

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Oh I KNOW!!!!! I HATE not being able to change their names...cos if you wanna pound them (when it opens I mean) if you picked an awesome name you have to keep them :( I guess I'll just keep labbing til I make my last one a Shoyru too lol


I like the loyalty scheme idea. The beautician I use has a 5 stamps and you get a free treatment thing, maybe neo could do the same, although....I guess random events are kinda loyalty prizes.



I'd love if they changed Neohomes layouts - I'd love so you could view in 3d so you could see all angles or at least select from ABOVE or SIDE ON views. Same with gardens. And I hate the gardens whole near far perspective thing - HATE. I also wish more of the items were animated like the fountains etc.

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I want an actual flash neoquest. I love the idea and I played both for a while, but never finished either because A. They got waayyy too hard and B. my computer takes too long to load everything over and over again. Actual animations for the moves (besides just a single sprite change) would even be good enough for me.

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