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Chocolate Day


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The Annual Chocolate Ball is tomorrow, so get your stashes of chocolate out and take a look at what we've found so far.




Turmac, Blobikins, Sklyde and Intesteen


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Congratulations to Neopets, according to our Neopets Redraws feature this is Neopets 2,003rd color combination for pets. So, they have just hit 2,000 combinations just a few days ago. :D The new Chocolate Ogrin has been added to Neopets Redraws. Check out Neopets Redraws for a look at all 2,003.

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I think that the Ogrin looks interesting. Not enough for me to rush out and get one, but just interesting enough that I'd give props to someone who has one. XP I also think the Turmy looks cool, too. XD

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