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Sorry about that. I'm *mostly* back, my project got extended until Monday. After Monday, I should *hopefully* be active alot again. Anyways, results up soon. Oh, and as a reminder: anyone who is a ghost can use their Ghostly Curse as this is activating an ability, not attacking.



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Scenario 4.2: Azar’s Spite and the Gamble


To get through the hole, your size must be less than 20. That means that all Rhinos and Elephants have to go through the wall. They will each receive 15 damage from the impact. Oddly enough, only those who couldn’t fit through the hole went for the amulet.


For everyone: You suddenly are interrupted from your thoughts as once again, a face you know all too well rises from the ground. Azar. He looks at you and cackles, but is apparently not interested in you. He drifts away from you before suddenly springing on a nearby Wolf Clan member and throwing her to the ground, broken and unmoving. He makes a motion like sucking in air, and absorbs her life energy, becoming solid once more. He screeches with delight, and grins menacingly at you. He reaches out a massive arm and tears a hole in the wall, escaping with his life, and taking the life of another. You wince at the sight of the wolf, and instead turn your attention back to the amulet.


For Boomer, Trisha and Rhyfelwr Ursa: Attempting to block out the gory sight, you concentrate on the prize ahead. You think for a moment about rushing in, before realising what you’re doing. Risking your life for what may be fool’s gold. Crazy! You back away from the others, and slip into the shadows, safe and unseen. Slowly, you attempt to climb the pile of fallen debris, whilst the others rush forward like greed-driven idiots. They begin to fight, and in the chaos you sneak away, no better off and no worse for wear.


For Taco Bandito, Aang, and Strategos: Your eyes dazzle as you stare at the amulet. Suddenly the spell cast on you all snaps, and you run forwards, tearing towards the glorious thing. You smash right through the wall, and stand stunned and bleeding for a moment, before focusing on your goal. You turn and see a stampede closing in on you, and snarl at the enemies challenging you.


This week, only Taco Bandito, Aang, and Strategos need to submit an action to me. I have flipped the coin, and I now know how useful the amulet will be. Taco Bandito, Aang and Strategos all need to tell me whom they choose to attack this week. A note: No one will know who attacked whom this week, as the chamber is pitch black. This is a time in the game where you should be thinking more about yourself and less about your clan. There is no rule against attacking a teammate, and although doing so may be unwise, this could be a move you need to play to win the game. Once they have submitted actions, I will reveal damage from the ghosts, the wall, and the attacks. The ghosts cannot attack/heal again as it is still the same scenario. Whoever is left with the most health after the fight will claim the amulet.



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To get through the hole, your size must be less than 20. That means that all Rhinos and Elephants have to go through the wall. They will each receive 15 damage from the impact. Oddly enough, only those who couldn’t fit through the hole went for the amulet.

LOL, that just made me Bust a gut

Well, i sent my PM

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Why is this so quiet, lately? I remember when it was always at the top of the contests. Now, people make "contests" that have no prizes, and are more like word games than anything. That's such a shame. I wonder when Cameron will get on to update this....

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